[center][h2]Lord Krunk's Quarters[/h2] [sub]Smells Like About 20-50x The Krunk[/sub][/center] Lord Krunk's size grew and grew. 50 feet... 60 feet, his head continued to near the ceiling until it was just 10 feet away from it. He practically took up the entire room at this point, leaving spaces in is rounded figure for the three intruders to linger and attack from. [color=gray]"What did you call me!?"[/color] Krunk roared as Jenso mentioned the word 'fat' aloud. How dare he! Lord Krunk had been on seven diets before, and all of them had failed! He couldn't help it! Granted 6/7 of those diets consisted of fried spider limbs and soft drinks, but that didn't matter! Lord Krunk rose a foot, which was now wider and longer than an 18-wheeler, and brought it down hard, shaking the entire foundation. He rose both of his hands and pushed on the roof of his tower, grunting all-the while. This did of course pull his hand farther away from Zerraph's darting little feather, but he hadn't actually noticed it yet. [color=gray]"Graaahhh!"[/color] In his rage, he didn't notice Drake's 'Oi' as he focused all his power on something new, nor did he acknowledge the relatively [i]tiny[/i] explosion that made his armor ring loudly. His defense was totally solid.. With a single strong push, Lord krunk began to upset the bricks that held his plain roof in place. [color=gray]"I'm not fat! I'm Krunk! Lord Krunk!!-"[/color] He was cut off as the fireballs struck his face behind his armored helmet, jostling his head a little and making him take a tiny step back. But then.. [i]POP![/i] Well, it was more like a cascade of cracking stone and falling bricks, but the entire roof of Lord Krunk's chamber popped right off of the top! The window that Jenso was clinging to fell right out of the wall that held it in place, and a series of stones fell towards Drake. Zerraf however, was now somewhat protected by Krunk's massive underbelly, making it particularly hard to commune with his allies, or see much aside from Lord Krunks titanic posterior. Krunk threw the roof of his castle into the courtyards a few seconds after, leaving the brick walls to circle around his chest-area like a make-shift rampart. [color=Gray]"KRRRRRUUUUUNNNNK!"[/COLOR] Right now, Lord Krunk wasn't paying much attention to anything. Then again, when was he ever? The guy was practically a mentally deficient child in a suit of armor that liked to play with shiny things...