[center][i]'Wha-'[/i][/center] The word faded out before it could even form. Her thoughts felt thick and sluggish as it pushed against the heavy haze that occupied her mind.[i] Where was she?[/i] Mara tried to roll onto her side but her body wouldn't comply. Instead she laid there struggling against the leaden weight that now made up her form. She sucked in a deep breath she wrenched her eyes open; wincing as the artificial light stabbed at her sensitive corneas. This wasn't her room. A thin line of panic cut across her chest and she could feel her breath hitch as adrenaline seeped into her veins. [i]What happened? Where was she?[/i] With gritted teeth Mara forced herself up; her body groaning in agony. Everything felt raw. Her skin prickled against the touch of her dress; [i]'My dress...'[/i] She looked down at the once white frock now smudged with dirt and spatters of blood. [i]Blood.[/i] Mara felt her stomach twist as memories flooded back in waves; she had been walking down the street,not too far off from her house when a van had pulled up beside her. Strangers weren't particularly threatening to her; in fact it was rather common for them to stop and ask for directions. The town was rather small but built with an excessive use of one-ways. What she hadn't expected was to see the doors slid open and hands reach out for her. She could still feel them. Leather gloves that bit into her flesh.The pain that bloomed as her body had been thrown around carelessly and the gross sobbing that poured from her mouth as a needle bit into her neck. An inhuman sound spilled from her lips as the memories battered against one another. She remembered. No words echoed in steely silence as she had screamed. Just rough hands that bound her limbs behind her body and then darkness as they slipped something over her head. Her stomach lurched as she glanced down at her arms; mottled with fading bruises. She felt sick. Suddenly everything was entirely too vivid. Too real. She tried to focus on anything but her thoughts as panic welled up in her throat. [i]'Why?'[/i], her mind cried over and over as if the answer lay somewhere within her subconscious. Mindlessly she went to lick her lips only to wince as pain jolted back at her. Tentative fingers brushed against the offending area; blood had crusted over and down her chin. The taste of blood swirled in her mouth. She must of busted it in the struggle but hadn't even noticed until now. Mara eyed the room. It's clinical cleanliness gave it an air of a hospital room but with much less information. Her heartbeat drummed in her eras as she sat on the edge of her bed. The knot in her throat had lessened as panic began to ebb away. Had she already given into her situation? Admitted defeat? Or was this just shock? Either way, she was thankful for the moment of silence in her head. This wasn't something to be solved without thinking things through. [center][i][b]Click[/b][/i][/center] In reality the sound was barely above a whisper but to her it crashed loudly in her ear drums. With a suspicious gaze she watched her door swing slightly ajar. [i]'Okay...'[/i] Freedom was not on the other side. Any rational person knew that but there it was; that annoying glimmer that throbbed in her chest. Mara slid off the edge of the bed as her knees buckled under her feet. Struggling to maintain her balance she set her teeth on edge and pushed forward. Everything felt disjointed; as if someone had shoved her into someone else's body that was two times too big. Her steps were heavy and uneven but with each step it was almost like she was molding herself to fit. Fingertips brushed against the door and it responded back by gracefully swinging open. The hall beyond was stark white; cameras lined the upper molding to which she gave a curious glace. Peering out she spied two other people, both disheveled and seemed to posses the same bewildered look she was sure she mirrored. Limping slowly Mara stepped outside; "Hello?" her voice came out harsh and muffled. Her tongue felt deadened behind her lips. Slumping against the wall; [i]This was just too much.[/i] [@SheriffLlama] [@Jinxer]