I'd say that my characters do end up having physical traits I like to see (often at the expense of things making sense, as at least 70% of my female characters that are in the military desperately need a haircut). I don't really think of them as attractive though, they're just character designs that I tend to personally like. I put far more effort into thinking about the smaller parts of their appearance since I just find that more interesting, which generally leaves their bodies to be ignored beyond "This guy is tall" or "This guy is short". Even then, I generally don't do that much with appearance. I just come up with what visually sets them apart and jump right over to their personality. With the [i]importance[/i] of attractiveness, I give zero thought to it unless it's something I've decided is an integral part of their character (If I'm writing a story in myth-style about the most beautiful woman in the world and how she makes it impossible for any of her suitors to marry her, she's going to be hot. If it's about a guy who was mangled in a mining accident, he isn't going to look like Chris Pratt). When it isn't important to their character? "He has arms and legs and is three dimensional."