[color=f26522]"Who the fuck do I look like too you? Hashirama? I don't need a god damn posse to beat anyone's ass."[/color] Shiro said as he spit on the ground as he walked forward pushing Minto to the side as he looked over at Akira and merely shook his head. [color=f26522]"You want proof? You come at me you little piece of trash."[/color] Shiro said with flat cold malice as he turned around and saw one of the old student represenatives looking over at the group with a frown and Shiro turned back to the two of them. [color=f26522]"See that's why I'm not going to punch you right now. It's the first day of school and you girl friend here probably doesn't want to see you get decked either. So i'm going to class you two understudy runts stay out of my way. I won't tell you again."[/color] Shiro said as he turned around even if Akira taunted him further unless he flat out called him a dickless loser then he wouldn't respond or act out further. Will and Heero had ignored all the commotion caused by Shiro and had gotten to the board by the time Shiro had pushed his way into the school itself. Heero looked over the list and quietly mumbled out names as he smiled and picked out the first class, [color=39b54a]"Your in room B-7 Will. Shouldn't be that hard to find. It's on the very end of the hall to the left after you go upstairs. I got class B-1 so I won't be with you but you should be fine."[/color] Heero told Will who was slightly worried about how he would fair on his own but he was confident he could handle it on his own for a bit as long as the teacher didn't talk too fast. [color=7ea7d8]"Thanks dude should we get to class?"[/color] Will asked Heero who shrugged, [color=39b54a]"We got a couple minutes so we can wait a bit if you want."[/color] Heero commented back as Will shook his head, [color=39b54a]"I'm going to class don't worry about me. I want to get settled in before everything starts."[/color]