[quote=@obisemkenobi] Just a quick question before I go back to doing what I should be doing, but considering my character's job, is it ok if I create a bar (and more importantly, a bartender) somewhere on the ship? Seems like a logical place to have, even if they would have avery limited stock (or simply no alcohol), and it would help my character in information gathering and stuff. [/quote] There's bars in abundance in the Hub. [@Winter Kitten] You sure? You do [i]not[/i] need to keep up with the OOC if you feel you're unable (it does move quickly). If you still can't, I understand. Sorry to see you go and I hope to see you again down the line! I see a wild [@Terminal]. Out of interest I'm going to tag a wild [@Vietmyke] as he usually likes my stuff.