[color=6ecff6][center][h3]~Lynn Haywood~[/h3][/center][/color] At first, Lynn was less than impressed by Quills seeming disobedience. She cursed under her breath. From their first battle earlier, she had assumed that Quill was gonna be an obedient little pokemon. Yet now, here she was doing the exact opposite of attacking. Which was obviously not attacking. No flaw in her logic at all, nope. However, as soon as the Pancham slammed head first into the tree with a solid [i]'THUNK'[/i] Lynn simply stared for a few seconds as the pokemon flailed on the ground. [color=6ecff6]"Huh..."[/color] She tilted her head in slight confusion, looking at Quill who seemed pleased with the outcome of events. The Sneasel was looking smug, polishing one of its claws on its fur as she eyed the Pancham carefully, waiting for its next move. Well whatever just happened, that was certainly one way to go about injuring a pokemon. She supposed using the terrain around her was good enough as any attack. She'd have to try and remember that later. For now, that Pancham was gonna be hers. [color=6ecff6]"Right then,"[/color] She smirked, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a pokeball. She was pretty sure this was how you were supposed to catch a pokemon. First, weaken or stun it, and she was pretty certain it was definitely stunned. Second, throw one of these balls at it. Third, profit. So she did exactly that. She tossed the ball right at Pancham, unintentionally aiming the ball right at the bump on its head. Quill simply stood by, waiting for the Pancham to either be caught, the ball to miss its target, or for the capture to fail. [hr] [center] Location: Route 1 [color=6ecff6]~Current Team~[/color] [IMG]http://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/sneasel.gif[/IMG] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3624325]Quill the Sneasel[/url] Status: Perfectly Fine. Level: 7 Notable Inventory: Potion x1 800 P (Pokédollars) Ficus Pokeball [s]x2[/s] x1 Ficus Pokedex Lighter x1 [/center]