Shiro topped mid walk as he turned to look at Tomomi and frowned at her with a disgusted look on his face. [color=f26522]"I'm just doing what I got to do Tomomi. If you don't like it why don't you go and give that little shit Akira a little present. I'd figured you'd understand me a little by now. Whatever, is that all? I don't got time to deal with you right now why don't you go find Hashirama and try and see if he likes listening too someone preaching too him. I'm going to actually get to class and last time I checked that was Shiro-SENPAI too you you little piglet."[/color] Shiro grumbled at Tomomi. Shiro pushed his way into the hall for real this time making it clear he had no more intentions of dealing with people interrupting him further. Whatever the reason Shiro simply had no intention of getting along with anyone who didn't have the balls' to keep up with him and actually back it up. He looked down on Hashirama for it, he looked down on the students for it, and he spit on anyone who tried to get him to change his mind.