Jack Made sure he was the last one to escape; still too tired to to take in all that just happend, but awake enough now to keep up with the group. [color=9966CC]"Yaaawwnnnn~"[/color] he shook his head once he reached the next room, shaking out the rest of the sleepiness in his system. He didn't know why he was so calm, reflecting back he probably should be a whole lot more terrified at the world going around him, but couldn't help but still feel like he was still in a dream or something, a small case of dissonance between his mind and consciousness. For now he just shrugged it off, tending a few cuts he developed saving the two boys, though he could've sworn there was another one with them. Receiving Katashi's suggestion, he did just that and secured the window shut. He didn't give it another thought as he knew he was the last one in. He looked around the room and saw people people in a mess of different mental states. As much as he'd love to try to help calm everyone down, there were more matters at hand. Jack was used to working in the background and Katashi was making an excellent stage manager. Jack quickly got to work; first setting up a door pinned underneath the handle (for a just a bit of temporary added security in case they needed to quickly leave), then he got to work on the leaky faucet. He reached under the sink, searching for a shut off switch, but wasn't able to find one strangely. His next attempt was jiggling the handles. They didn't budge. His last attempt was to make sure it just wasn't clogged, taking a pencil from his jacket and attempted to shove it as far down the drain without loosing his grip of it.