[color=8dc73f][h2]Minto Hanataba[/h2][/color] This was not going good at all, this guy is just like really tall and smelled like garlic and not the good garlic like the garlic bread but like really garlic, his hair was quite greasy too...he needs to wash it properly so it won't be that greasy wait...why is thinking about his hair he just insulted the other guy Akira again and told him to like back off and as much it would be great for him to do so he held that tiny bit of courage he had and stood there still not really doing anything but tying to show he had tough. Though he ended up more like a rabbit about to be eaten by fox type of deal. Then he was pushed to the side and even if it was just a small push it wasn't cool to do at all. You don't push people who no permission it just not right at all. This Shiro guy is a real meanie for doing all of this. What does he want anyway from doing this? A laugh...meanie that is for sure. He wanted to tell him and say he shouldn't be doing all hose things but he can just tremble and whimper from the guys size...Oh why he had to be so small like a kid. Shiro calling him a squirt is pretty much true and now calling him girlfriend? This is to much for the first day. He begged that there won't be any fighting he didn't want to end up in the middle of that but he did place himself into the situation so it is bound to happen it seems. Akira told that it brb eat to ignore the guy and right now that seems to be the best idea but he just throws sticks at people! That is very rude to do. [color=8dc73f]"Sti....still...he is..."[/color] Then the girl from earlier Tomomi came by and was so confident and talked this Shiro like she was a the heroine of the story. So much confidence it was so cool and Mint wished he could be the same one day. If he was like that in the first place then none of this would have happened. Now he is just there standing scared....As Shiro walked off he turned to Tomomi and thanked her for her help. He vowed his head and smiled shyly. [color=8dc73f]"Tha-thank you...you looked so c-cool..."[/color] Mint couldn't help but to admire her strength for doing that it just cool. Then he turned to Akira and said sorry for causing him trouble even more, he got even called more names and made bigger enemies with that guy. [color=8dc73f]"S-sorry to bother you.." [/color]