[quote=@Love Dove] [@HushedWhispers] Here she is, let me know if I need to change anything :} [hider=Rebecca Ackermann][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Rebecca%20Ackermann&name=MissBrooks.ttf&size=75&style_color=00A650[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma2b2gkVLA1qmahxv.gif[/img] [b]{[/b]"[i]Nobody can hurt me without my permission.[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b]Gandhi[/b][hr][hr][/center] | [color=00A650][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | [indent]Rebecca Rosalynn Ackermann[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | [indent]Becca. She doesn't really know when people started calling her Becca, it just sort of happened. It always throws her off a little when people calls her Rebecca.[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | [indent]November 15, 1991[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Age[/b][/color] | [indent]24[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Gender[/b][/color] | [indent]Female[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | [indent]Bisexual[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color] | [indent]Single[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Occupation[/b][/color] | [indent]Prep Cook at a restaurant in town.[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Role[/b][/color] | [indent]Delta Female[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Coven or Pack?[/b][/color] | [indent]Pack[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/4501c89ac1745cd55ef88fdd54e0b4b4/tumblr_mtwk4ck83N1siuibio2_250.gif[/img][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/2888ecbe717a9afd8ba852d2de273922/tumblr_inline_o7764tpSTp1tf5w0p_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] | [color=00A650][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Standing at around 5′5″ Rebecca is a little on the shorter side, with an athletic build. When down her dark brown almost black hair reaches down to just past her shoulder blades, however it is usually kept up in a ponytail or bun. Her eyes are Hazel, which change from brown, green, and gray depending on her mood, though they often stay a solid brown. As for style Rebecca can be seen as somewhat of a tom boy, only wearing dresses whenever she must, she prefers to be comfy more than anything. She prefers warm colors in her wardrobe. The only piercings she has are her ears. | [color=00A650][b]Habits | Oddities | Quirks[/b][/color] | [indent]-Nail Biting. Rebecca is aware that biting her nails is a bad habit, but when she is stressed or just simply bored she often does it without thinking. -Hand gestures. She often moves her hands when talking. -Talks to herself. Often done when thinking, extremely annoyed, or angry. It is always down low and if pointed out she only seems to get more annoyed but will stop.[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | [indent]Cooking. Rebecca is a wonderful chief something that she picked up from spending time in the kitchen with her grandmother. By the time she was in her teens she was helping make holiday meals. Rebecca is always happiest when cooking for her friends. Swimming. Something she started doing in high school.[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Likes[/b][/color] | [indent][list] [*]Fall. There is something about the chilly air that she just loves. Not to mention the smells in the air and leaves changing colors. It's just the perfect time of the year. [*]Music. Especially rock and soft rock. It is a major stress reliever to her. [*]The color green. Which is her favorite color. [*]Spicy Food. While she likes all kinds of food, spicy has to be her favorite. [*]The smell of Honeysuckle. [/list][/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | [indent][list] [*]Quiet. Everyone knows that when things go quiet, they go wrong. While it isn't a fear, but it makes her very uncomfortable. [*]Guilt Trips. If it's something she should feel sorry for, she will. [*]Cold weather. She absolutely hates cold weather, and during the winter you will likely find she keeps her heater kept up on high so she stays warm. [*]Bland food. [*]Clingy People [/list][/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Fears[/b][/color] | [indent][list] [*]Heights. [*]Clowns [/list][/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/6287b2fc24e60f8de3ce7c6ce57e1bf6/tumblr_inline_mpy8w0DS1u1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] | [color=00A650][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | [indent]Kind|Opinionated|Energetic|Stubborn[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Very energetic, Rebecca can be a bit much when you first meet her, though when you get to know you'll find that most of how annoying she seems to be is simply nerves. Easily hyped up, Rebecca often talks fast and with her hands, sometimes she even gets on her own nerves to the moment that she will go completely quiet until she calms down. In some cases she will even simply walk away, talking to herself, only to come back later more calm. Once you get past this however, Rebecca is a very sweet kind person whom tries to see the good in people, even when others don't. She would do anything within her power to help her friends and family. Like everyone else, Rebecca clearly as her downsides. The biggest for her has to be how stubborn she can be. She hates to admit when she is wrong, no matter if she knows it is. This coupled with how overly opinionated she is make her someone you don't really want to argue with about somethings. Not because she will become violent or anything, but because you are pretty much wasting your breath and time. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://img.pandawhale.com/176240-Mila-Kunis-omg-oh-no-gif-imgur-HDAK.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] | [color=00A650][b]Place of Origin[/b][/color] | [indent]Sydney, Australia[/indent] | [color=00A650][b]History[/b][/color] | The youngest and only female in a family with two sons, Rebecca was born in Australia. Rebecca a happy family and upbringing. Her family went on vacations and large holiday dinners with the family. However, Rebecca's mother was a hard woman and a workaholic, who brought her work with her everywhere she went. While her father was completely the opposite, a lazy man who worked odd jobs and spent most of his time at home drunk passed out on the couch and only sobered up for social appearances. As a result Rebecca and her brothers spent more time with their grandmother than actually with their parents outside of family gatherings and trips. When Rebecca was ten things in her life when thrown into sort of downward spiral when both of her brothers and father were killed in a crash, due to her fathers drunk driving. As if her sinking depression at the loss of her brothers and father wasn't enough, she hit puberty and found out the family secret. Rebecca's great grandmother on her mother's side was a werewolf and the gene was missed down the line making her a werewolf as well. For the next four years she struggled not only with depression but also learning to control her wolf side, with her mother and grandmother being her small pack. Once she got into high school she started on the swim team and things started to get better slowly for her. She found a way to work through her loss and finally keep herself busy. When she was nineteen Rebecca's mother lost her job and they decided to move out of Australia and to the US hoping to get a brand new start, when they moved to Bellingstone Rebecca came to love the people that lived there and quickly made friends within the pack. However, her mother quickly find that she didn't like the idea of being in a pack that wasn't her family, when she was offered her job back she moved back home. Rebecca decided to stay in Bellingstone instead of moving back. After the wolf pack there seemed more like a family to her then her mother ever had. | [color=00A650][b]Extra[/b][/color] | Rebecca still has a slight Australia accent, though it is pretty well hidden unless she is angry. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgQ6UAvHVNs]Theme Song[/url] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/13OSr9qaotVDVe/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [/hider] [/quote] [quote=@Helo] [hider=Dan Carver][center][h1][color=FireBrick]Dan Carver[/color][/h1] [IMG]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sKLXObPD7g4/VMFVyxSELsI/AAAAAAAAG8k/QF5sAH-r3nA/s1600/tumblr_mbqmet2gXj1qh0tuqo2_500.gif[/img] [b]{[/b]"[i]Cowards die many times before their actual deaths.[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b]Julius Caesar[/b][hr][hr][/center] | [color=FireBrick][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | [indent]Daniel Wyatt Carver[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | [indent]Dan, very few people who know him have ever called him Daniel with the exception of his father and his late wife. His mother used to call him Danny but he absolutely hates it from anyone else.[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | [indent]1/19/1984[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Age[/b][/color] | [indent]32[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Gender[/b][/color] | [indent]Male[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | [indent]Hetero[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color] | [indent]Widower[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Occupation[/b][/color] | [indent]Bartender[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Role[/b][/color] | [indent]Hunter[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Coven or Pack?[/b][/color] | [indent]Hunter of both[/indent] [img]http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Stephen-Amell.jpg[/img] | [color=FireBrick][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Dan's 6'1 with broad shoulders and a toned muscular build. He trains daily to stay in top physical condition; as human he is already at a disadvantage hunting the supernatural so he does whatever he needs to do to improve his odds. He keeps his hair short and his facial hair well trimmed somewhere between a shadow and a light scruff. His eyes are bright blue though not as bright as they once were but he makes the effort to smile and present and friendly appearance. He has two tattoo's; the Carver family crest on his left shoulder, and a skull with a wolf head on top of it to commemorate his first kill on his right shoulder. [hider=tattoos][img]http://www.englishgathering.co.uk/images/coa/2011/english/carver_large.gif[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9d/d9/e9/9dd9e95ebe4779f23e77aed229bdf0f5.jpg[/img][/hider] His clothing choices are almost always casual, hunting boots or sneakers, usually jeans, t-shirts, hoodies and maybe a jacket if it's really cold. His clothes fit loosely enough that they don't constrict movement but not to the point where they look baggy. Dan hates wearing suits or a tie, unless there's a funeral, wedding, or something of that nature he won't be dressing up. He wears silver Celtic cross given to him by his mother and a plain gold wedding band. He keeps several weapons on him including brass knuckles made silver with crosses etched over each knuckle, a small silver tipped boot knife when wearing boots, a wooden stake, a few silver tipped throwing knives hidden in a jacket, and however many vials of holy water he can hide on him without it being cumbersome. He has a conceal and carry permit but normally doesn't carry guns with him unless he's actively hunting as it draws attention and of course he has silver tipped bullets. His favorite weapon is a recurve bow, used for both hunting animals and monsters. He has a few wooden arrows for vampire specific hunting but mostly carbons with silver tips and of course regular arrows for animal hunting. | [color=FireBrick][b]Habits | Oddities | Quirks[/b][/color] | [indent]He has a few nervous habits like pacing, knuckle cracking and general fidgeting. He thinks gum chewing is gross, and hates when people chew with there mouth open or talk while chewing. Has been known to over exaggerate his hunting stories which he loves telling. [/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | [indent]He spends a lot of his free time training and finds archery and boxing to be his favorite activities to help him unwind. He also enjoys swimming and watching cooking shows. When he's not working he likes to hang out at the bar, drink, play pool or darts, and maybe make a wager here and there.[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Likes[/b][/color] | [indent]Hunting, not just vampires and werewolves but deer and such as well other outdoor activities. Cooking, his mom was a chef and he does alright in a kitchen, nothing fancy but he enjoys the memories it evokes. Games of skill or chance especially in a bar or casino, he likes the risk and excitement of it. Live music, while he can listen to almost anything he prefers punk, hard rock, and heavy metal, something with real energy in it. Action and Horror movies.[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | [indent]Vampires, even more so than werewolves, he sees vampires as pure evil while werewolves are more like rabid dogs who need put down. Flying, it's not natural and he hates being stuck in a confined space like that. People who are selfish or cowardly Situations in which he has no control People who complain a lot.[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Fears[/b][/color] | [indent]Having already lost what mattered most to him Dan has no real fear of his own death but fears that through his own mistake or inaction he could cause the death or even harm to another. His biggest fear is being bitten or turned by one of the monsters he hunts, to become a monster himself would be a fate worse than death.[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | [indent]Brave, impulsive, protective, hot tempered, loyal, dedicated, unforgiving, self-sacrificing, and distant.[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Dan is not the easiest person to get to know, while he's friendly he tends to steer conversation away from himself. He likes people, likes to get to know new people but unless they're fellow hunters he doesn't really let new people into his life. He feels it's safer for normal people that way, he doesn't want to bring the dangers of his life into their lives and still feels a large amount of guilt over the death of his wife. He tries not to dwell on pain and guilt though, Dan has become very good at compartmentalizing his emotions and not dealing with them. He keeps himself busy with hunting and training in order to avoid remembering what he's lost. Most of them time he just feels numb and to make himself feel more alive he searches for risks and danger; anything to get a rush of adrenalin. Sometimes it's picking a fight, sometimes it's hunting something dangerous and sometimes it's just gambling with money or possessions. Despite his predilection for danger he is a good hunter. He respects and obeys his leader, he'll speak up if he disagrees with a decision but unless he has an ethical reason not to he will follow orders. He is very loyal to any hunting party he is apart of and is protective of his fellow hunters and of other humans. He rarely has a second thought about rushing into danger especially if it is to help another. The work they do is important, and while he didn't always put hunting first he does now. Dan is impulsive, he listens to his gut and his heart over his head and while he isn't always right his intentions are almost always good. He can be hot headed, especially in a fight and he's doesn't easily forgive those who betray his trust. | [color=FireBrick][b]Place of Origin[/b][/color] | [indent]Alaska[/indent] | [color=FireBrick][b]History[/b][/color] | Dan was born into hunting, his father and mother both had been hunters and while they gave him a normal childhood they encouraged him to take up activities like boxing, archery, and martial arts. His mother worked as a chef and his father would frequently be on long business trips but as a child he was never sure what exactly his father did. His mother had temporarily given up hunting to raise Dan but his father would travel to take part in hunts hoping to keep the violence of it away from his family. They lived a fairly simple life, his parents didn't have much but Dan always had what he needed. Their backyard was basically a forest and he was almost always outside exploring it. His father started teaching him to hunt animals at ten and had a natural talent for archery. He always looked forward to the family camping trips they would take and hunting with his dad. He was thirteen when his family was attacked by wolf during a camping trip. His mother died protecting him from that wolf before his father killed the beast. It was that night that his father explained to him about the existence of vampires and werewolves. The beast that had attacked them was werewolf, a member of a pack his father had hunted who had come looking for revenge. After the death of his mother he and his father moved around a lot. Dan was trained to be hunter and he spent all his spare time training and learning. He did well enough in school to get by, but it was his hunter training that he truly focused on. At eighteen his dad started taking him on hunting trips and Dan made his first kill, a werewolf, shortly afterwards. His father was proud of the hunter he was becoming and of how dedicated a hunter his son was. Eventually he and his dad grouped up with some other hunters and spent some time in Texas going after a large werewolf pack. It was there that Dan met a woman, Jenny, and he was infatuated with her from the beginning. He kept hunting with his dad and their usual hunting party for a year as they dated but things began to get serious and he fell in love. Although he struggled with the decision, Dan gave up hunting the day he decided to propose, he didn't want what happened to his mother to happen to his wife to be. His father was furious, hunting was the family legacy and his father always believed hunting should come first, that it was their duty. He and his father had a huge fight and they didn't speak for months. His father didn't even show up to the wedding and a few weeks later a fellow hunter called to tell him his father had been killed raiding a vampire nest. Losing his father was difficult but his wife helped him get through it. Although he had given up hunting he still trained like a hunter, always expecting something to come after him or Jenny and eventually it did. He was working a late shift one night when he got the call, Jenny's body had been found in a park, exsanguinated. He was informed that the baby hadn't survived either, they hadn't known about the pregnancy and he tries not to think about it as one loss was hard enough. The news broke him, he had lost everything that mattered by trying to protect them from hunter life. He quit his job and spent months drinking, grieving and tracking down the vampire that had killed his wife. When he did find the vampire he killed it in the slowest and cruelest way he could after finding out why it had come after him and his wife. Turns out the vampire didn't even know who he was, Jenny had been a random choice and the vampire had simply been hungry that night. After that he found a new hunting party and became an even more dedicated hunter than before, it became what he lived for. He hunts to keep the violence and tragedy away from others, those who know nothing about the monsters out there. He takes solace in his kills, every monster he puts down is a monster that will never destroy another life. | [color=FireBrick][b]Extra[/b][/color] | [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3JSbOt7CLo]Theme Song[/url][/indent][/hider] [/quote] Lovely characters. Both of them are accepted.[hr][h3][b]Update;[/b] Currently working on my character so she should up shortly. :) I also plan on starting this by Wednesday, Thursday at the latest. Anyone want a relations sheet to see where your character might stand or how they might interact with other characters?[/h3]