[center][img] http://s33.postimg.org/6nrdrs9a7/IMG_20160610_104224.jpg [/img] [h1][color=Crimson]Xerxes[/color][/h1][/center] [list] Location: [*] Archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands. [/list] [list] Interacting: [*][@NachoBachoPacho] [/list] [center]Xerxes vs Anaru [hider=MUSIC] [youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=69YakPKHMvs[/youtube] [/hider][/center] [hr] Xerxes produced a smile that countered that of the Marines. It was funny to see how easily the simpleton bent to his will, all Xerxes wanted as a direct hit. He wanted the marine to touch him, that way the full potential of his powers could be reveled. He admired the Marines power and sense of justice, but in the end it meant nothing in battle. The man spoke so much about arrogance, when it was his arrogance that led him to to make such a crucial mistake, coming in close without knowing the extent of you opponents power. That was impossible through. The world seemed to slow down to a snails pace, showing the sheer speed of the Crimson Reaper in action. As the marines punch flew through the air, Xerxes right arm darted out as he leaned forward. As his palm connected with his stomach, his left hand darted out to catch the punch. [color=Crimson][i]"Cull the Meek."[/i][/color]Xerxes said simply. Two things took place simultaneously, his left hand, that he used to block the incoming attack, released an explosion strong enough to deflect the pressure of the punch, caused half the ship to be mangled from the sheer force of the explosion. The other hand, produced a torrent if flames that released with enough force to blow up the rest of the ship. In tandem, he released an explosion that was equivalent to 1.5 tons of TNT. The resulted explosion ripped apart the ship, causing a shook wave to spew sea water into the air. The light it produced could be seen from miles away, and the smoke even farther. In the aftermath, the ship was in tatters, debris all over the surface. Xerxes found himself standing on what was left of the front end of the ship. Which was still stuck in the dock, the rest of it literally blown away.