[Center] [Color=blue] [H2] Alexis (Lexy) Sandra Dremmel [/h2] [/color] [/center] Awakening, Alexis sat up. She leaned toward as she was greeted by the nasty smell that seemed to some in her nose. She placed her hands over her hand and mouth her nose. She closed her eyes before she opened them again seeing the red coaded room. This wasn't right, it didn't make sense. She closed her eyes one more time in hope when she opened them again the sight would change, but was the same as before. [Color=blue] 'What happened?'[/color] She wondered to herself. She removed the hand from her face, where she noticed the mysterious red coat that covered hit. She raised an eyebrow and hesitantly brought it closer to her nose, getting a strong whiff of it. She pulled her face away and placed her hand down. At least she knew what that horrid smell was now, the only problem was that everything was covered with it. Pushing herself up, she looked around. The desk were everywhere and the room seemed to be empty. The last thing she remembered was a earthquake. After that everything was a blur, and she still couldn't tell you what's going on know if she tried.