The next few minutes went by quickly. One moment Allura was listening to Lance speak, wishing that he would just get to the point and in the next moment, Hades had appeared, which seemed to agitate the demon hunters quite a bit. She heard the snap of someone's fingers and watched as a portal opened right beneath her feet. [color=ed1c24]"Wake up Akira! Allura keep him safe!"[/color] Hades called to her, to which she responded to with a quick nod. With all the chaos going on around her, the most Allura could do was stand there and wait until the portal swallowed both her and Akira. The last thing she heard was Lance's voice, saying: [color=00a651][i]"Do not trust the robed warrior. Until we meet again, farewell."[/i][/color] Going through the portals itself felt as if she was floating through the air and Allura found herself unusually calm throughout the entire trip. At one point she thought she felt something touch her hand but quickly dismissed it as her imagination. The angel didn't realize that they had finally reached their destination until she heard someone with a very heavy country accent speak to them. [color=f26522]"Been a while 'ince I last 'een travelling folk enter 'own here." [/color] Opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was Akira who looked as if he was about to be sick. The man must have picked up on that too as he quickly handed Akira a bucket to spit up in. Glancing away for a moment, Allura looked around the room, trying to get an idea of just where they were but the simple wooden room gave nothing away. The angel was pulled from her thoughts as the man addressed her, asking for a name. "Allura Brown." [color=f26522]"Well then 'elcome to Rashkin 'own of ta North. Inn to ta 'outh district. Shop's 'est, if ya lookin to work there a couple o' guilds to ta east."[/color] Allura nodded in response to the man, silently taking in the newfound information before turning back to Akira, gently touching his shoulder. "Hey, are you feeling a bit better now?" She asked, her voice laced with a bit of concern. The ride through the portal had obviously upset his stomach and she didn't want to get moving until he was okay again. It didn't seem like they were in any immediate danger, so they didn't have to rush for now.