[center][color=pink][h3]Majin Eve[/h3] [/color][u]Before the first match begun[/u][/center] Majin Eve had watched as everyone got their slips with numbers on them, she had noticed that the fighter known as Jackie Chun seemed happy and excited to have gotten paired with her for the fights to come. Eve smiled, she remembered that guy, he was the one who beat that girl who used the bright light technique on him. [color=pink][i]'maybe I should introduce myself, it'd be nice to get to know a who I'm going to be fighting a little bit before our match begins'[/i][/color] She thought to herself as she began approaching Jackie Chun with a small smile. As she approached the seemingly grey haired man, she gave a passing glace towards Eno, she didn't really know why, but the second she looked at him she felt her brows want to knit into a glare, her hands unconsciously closing into fists for but a moment. As the moment passed she pulled her vision from Eno to look to Jackie Chun who she now stood four feet from. She then felt strange, could this be nervousness?, then she remembered, she didn't have much experience when it came to talking to others, they were normally to afraid of her appearance to try and talk to her, let alone speak to her when she talked to them. She seemed to look doubtful for a moment before she smiled a little shyly. [color=pink]"Hi Jackie Chun..."[/color] She said before she held out her hand towards him in what she hoped was the proper way to greet someone, she had seen people do this before so it should be right... right?. [color=pink]"It's nice to meet you, I look forward to our fight"[/color] Eve said with a slightly nervous smile as she continued to hold her hand out to Jackie Chun.