[center][img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/d183/th/pre/i/2012/255/9/c/hana_pokemon_trainer_by_elybibi-d5egce9.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Maria Valentine [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Theme:[/b] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA_bNiYlBrg[/url] [hr] [b]Background:[/b] Maria Valentine, only daughter of Helen and Marcus Valentine, was born and raised in Arcadia by her scientist parents. Her parents, spending most of their time at their lab within the city, left Maria to be raised by her close, albeit eccentric, uncle. Much of Maria’s young life was spent being doted on by her uncle, being bought the most recent of clothes and taken out of her classes for days out on the town. She was happy to be with the man who became more like her Father than Marcus could ever say he was. Yet, her uncle grew to be around less often as he became occupied with his job as a breeder Upon turning thirteen, she was given a Horsea by her uncle as a sort of pet. Finding pokemon to be her passion, Maria set out to learn as much about them as possible from her uncle. Yet, despite having learned so much about pokemon, her uncle couldn’t answer the boundless questions and her parents showed no interest in toying with her desires. As such, Maria studied as much as she could until she was taken by her uncle to get her trainer’s license. Upon turned seventeen, Marian announced to parents and uncle that she’d be leaving to study the world’s pokemon. [b]Hometown:[/b] Arcadia Town [b]Current Location:[/b] Grimm Cemetary [hr] [b]Bag:[/b] 10x Poke Ball 10x Dusk Ball 5x Max Potion 5x Full Heal 3x Full Restore [b]Pokemon:[/b] [i]Species:[/i] Horsea (♂) [i]Nickname:[/i] Horatio [i]Personality:[/i] Horatio is very bold, often going out of his way to make contact with others while Maria is trying to avoid them. Also doesn’t like to be in his pokeball. [i]Ability:[/i] Swift Swim [i]Extra:[/i] Has the move Water Pulse from breeding. [i]Species:[/i] Duskull (♂) [i]Nickname:[/i] Dusky [i]Personality:[/i] Dusky is a very shy pokemon, taking to avoiding most people and hiding behind Maria whenever meeting new people. Yet, he also dislikes to be held in his ball and prefers to stay outside despite being shy. [i]Ability:[/i] Levitate [i]Extra:[/i] Can be placed in his ball with some goading from Maria. [b]Trainer Perks:[/b]