[center][h3][b][u][color=088A85]M a r x o [/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/drf4uf.png[/IMG] [b] East Blue | Conomi Islands[/b] [@LokiLeo789][@NachoBachoPacho][@RyoRyoRyoken][@Tsukoreyu][@malmshodes] [@dragonmancer] [hr] Marxo was rudely interrupted by the sounds of the fight going on outside. At first they was a loud bang followed by the shockwave of what seemed to be an exploding ship. This was followed by another smaller explosion and the presence of two other unknowns. This immediately alerted Marxo. He felt uneasy at the thought of two more marines with power close to equaling his own. [color=088a85] “Change of plans. Melany get ready to move the ship. I understand you're not a navigator but the situation just became serious. Xelo...I’m sure those swords aren’t just for show so I need for you to cause a distraction while I rescue these knuckleheads. The best place for you to do so would be the back of the ship, since we’re prepping for departure. Godspeed.”[/color] With this Marxo exited the ship inside. He was now on the deck yelling orders to Xerxes. [color=088a85] “As much as I hate to say this ...Xerxes this isn’t a fight you’re going to win. Get your ass on this boat this instant. I’d love to stay and play but we have important matters at….[/color] , before Marxo could finish his sentence he forced his power to its extent . It wasn’t likely for Marxo to use one of his many trump cards. After all most people knew he could change the size of things but few knew he could also change the speed of things.[color=088a85] ‘ Motto motto supīdo kyō’[/color] , the thought as he raced towards Jackal. He seemed almost like a blur of blue lightning reaching the rooftop in almost a split second. He then grabbed Jackal by the arm and and instantly returned to the ship. At this moment Xelo was standing atop the back of the ship ready to reliquence his attack. [color=088a85] “Sorry to disappoint.”[/color] The next part seemed like a blur…..[/center] [hr] [center][h3][color=purple][b] Ryuma Zenki[/b][/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/aC54HCZ.png[/img] [b]East Blue|LogueTown[/b] [@CannedBread][@RyoRyoRyoken][hr] [color=purple]”For starters I don’t like to be spied on. The other reason is I couldn’t understand for the life of me why someone so beautiful would be creeping on the marines, unless of course you’re hiding from Justice. Which brings me to reason that you must be a pirate. Please tell me I’m wrong , and that you just have a serious, almost stalkerish crush on me.[/color] Ryuma smiled at the thought. He didn’t want to jump to conclusions but it was obvious she didn’t want to be found. If she were to be a Marine, no matter how stunning she was, he’d have to enforce Justice. No one was above the law and Ryuma had a reputation to keep as a Captain. [color=purple] “ I’m going to need an answer or we can talk about it more after I slap these pretty bracelets around your wrists. I heard girls like jewelry anyways.”[/color] Ryuma reached for the sea prism stone cuffs shackled around his belt loop. [/center]