[center][img] http://s33.postimg.org/6nrdrs9a7/IMG_20160610_104224.jpg [/img] [h1][color=Crimson]Xerxes[/color][/h1][/center] [list] Location: [*] Archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands. [/list] [list] Interacting: [*][@NachoBachoPacho] [*][@RyoRyoRyoken] [*][@Tsukoreyu] [*][@malmshodes] [*][@dragonmancer] [*][@Ira] [/list] [hr] As the smoke cleared, Xerxes found the gorilla man about a block away, his clothing in taters, bloody, and defiantly in pain, but up and screaming. Xerxes sighed, this Marine was to stubborn for his own good. Even after a force like that, the marine was still able to get up. No doubt though the big guy would guy would sustain internal injures, an explosion like that could obliterate a full grown man, a gorilla man was a whole different story. This whole situation soon had Xerxes cackling, laughing uncontrollably at the gorilla's resilience. Unfortunately, his laughter was brought to an abrupt end when a sharp pain went through his body. Suddenly, he flashed back to the moment that took place only a few seconds before. Another fist appeared, but the one he attempted to block went through, cushioned and slowed by the force of the explosion though. His arm snapped with an resounding crack, but was muffled by the sheer force of the explosion. Xerxes frowned, the pain was only a dull ache that could be tucked and ignored in the back of his head due to the adrenaline rushing through his veins. Xerxes scratched the back of his head with his good arm, this wasn't good, he would need both to preform at his best. The gorilla might have been injured but that didn't change much. Gritting his teeth, he yanked his arm back into place, the white bone that once jutted out slid back in place. Then creating a blow torch on his index finger, he ran across the wound in a straight line, effectively cauterizing the wound. This would allow for use, minimal use, but use none the less, that wasn't good enough. Using the little friction that was created for blood cells around the wound. The static electricity produced a spark that stimulated molecules, renewing damaged cells. The healing would be slow going, but at least he could use his arm soon well enough to fight for a few minutes longer. As Xerxes went about dressing his wound, and explosion rocked the ground in between him and the gorilla man. Two more marines stood within the smoke, one sitting on a cannonball and another emerging from the smoke. Most of what both said fell on deaf ears as he went about healing himself. [color=Crimson]"You lot talk to much."[/color] Xerxes said sticking his pinky in his ear despondently. With a sigh Xerxes turned to the Marines, the lenses of his mask seemingly growing brighter. The situation was no longer in his favor, 3 on 1 was a bad idea. With a smile, Xerxes realised that he had his back to the wall, this was the perfect opportunity to use 'it'. Suddenly, Xerxes' body lit up like a flare, a sphere of pure electricity and fire surrounding his body. Utilizing the field of static that he kept just a few inches off the surface of his skin began to go into overdrive. The friction it created with the air molecules created a massive spark, but Xerxes controlled it, condensed it, similar to the way he controlled his 'Primordial Burst". The energy being released literally ate the oxygen in the air, making it hard to breath for all those in the area. [color=Crimson][i][b]"Grand Ray Prim…"[/b][/i][/color] Before Xerxes could let it rip, Marxo called to him. Within seconds he was able to assess the situations. With a 'snap', the powerful attack was dispelled in a bright flash. Propelling himself with bursts of fire on the soles of his feet, he threw himself onto the Main Mast of the Mental. [color=Crimson]"Thank god, thought I was gonna have to deal with thier non-stop talking.[/color] he said exasperatedly as he leaned on the pole, a deep breath leaving his lips. He was gonna need some time with Melany to get rid of all his wounds, at least he could see the power of the mysterious man on the stern.