[@MiddleEarthRoze] Sorry to hear you go :( Best of luck with everything you have going on! [hr][hr] Also, I have the mission thing-y. Here is the transmission. "Numbah 2-20-2! I hope you’re getting along with your new team. Anyways, we have a mission for you. There is this new tutoring center that has been out for a while. It’s called Numon? Have you heard of it? Anyways, it’s the worst! Parents are sending their kids there to “get them ahead” and forcing second graders to do high school level math! It’s messed up! They are taking away their kid-ness, you know? Not only are the kids suffering, some kids are even.. Well.. changing. It’s like they were brain-washed or something! You have to stop whatever they’re doing over there! [s]I heard my mom wants to start sending me there next week...help[/s] I’ll send you the address attached to this message! Good luck! Numbah 30001"