[@ImportantNobody][@Vordak] In most situations Donny wouldn't stand a chance against her. He's a walking tool shed, with tons of fodder that she could use against him. If he pulled out his razor wire, she'd probably cut him in half with his own weapon. There are a few situations in which he may win, but I'd say 85% of the time and with no prep, your character would wreck Donny. Outside of that, Donny's selling point is that he avoids straight fights and uses as much practical realism as possible. His signature attack is the gun behind the coat shot. [quote=@Doc Doctor] [i]Donny let out a loud, panicked scream as Gweyr whipped out her glaive. Just the sort of reaction you'd get when aiming a knife at some random nerd. But Donny came from a different place than Gweyr. Where he was from, life and death were matters to be resolved in an instant. Anyone could kill anyone with a little luck and a bullet in the back. Out here, you didn't brandish a weapon unless you were going to use it. You didn't pull out a blade and try to talk things over. You either killed, or got killed, and though tricks are petty, a good one never needs to be used twice against the same enemy. Donny turned clockwise as if about to flee, as any sane pedestrian would after some nutty chick got medieval in a dark alley. Donny's scream would have muffled the ratcheting click of the Magnum being cocked as it was drawn, Gweyr seeing just his left side and nothing else. An old gunslinger trick. If you want to pull a piece on someone so they don't see the barrel poking through your coat, turn your flank to them and aim along your abdomen with the gun flat against you. Keep your shooting arm out of sight so they don't see the bend in your elbow. No protrusions, no clues, no chance. Especially when the victim is a shy, moral girl who probably wouldn't kill a man, however creepy, who seemed about to flee as was requested of him. The revolver was aimed for Gweyr's midsection. If the large round struck, it would bore an impressive, clean hole straight through her solar plexus, between the lungs, into the aorta, and out through the spine. [/i] [/quote] His bulletproof vest handles the heat of the chamber flare. It's a sure kill against pretty much any opponent that isn't a bullet timer or a mind reader. If another character were to have a good chance against Donny, they'd have to be able to handle some real dirty tricks. Sneak attacks are his bread and butter. It's a long shot to say he even fights in the first place, unless you could call stabbing someone in the back a fight.