Jurano noticed the massive griffin known as gates come down he spoke in a quite voice but loud enough to not wake the others. "Are you coming to visit a bored wolf?" he said with a laugh, but when gates replied Juranos expression turned dark. "Are you sure about this gates? If so we need to warn Seril right away, and does anyone else know? if not we need to a meeting with the other tribe members" Jurano started panicking he paced back and forth, wondering about how they would stop Ferki. His blood started boiling on his fur, Jurano just kept pacing and then came to the conclusion that Seril had to be warned first. [i]She can help make sense of this.[/i] Jurano quickly ran towards the area that Seril walked towards, hoping she was a the circle of trees. When he arrived he saw another wolf talking to Seril, he pushed his personal feelings aside and ran up to Seril telling her what happened.