[h1][center]PFC Colin Nelson[/center][/h1] More and more people seemed to pop into the room, and Colin was getting lost in speaking the previous 3 conversations at once. "Uh, no I'm not in regular army other than basic. They shoved me into Scouts pretty quick." he said, almost sounding embarrassed. If he had to be honest, he was pretty humble about his quick and accurate skills. He didn't like to bring it up in conversation too much. "This is a surprising amount of people that we are getting, I am starting to get a little worried that they think we need numbers..." Glaive said. He spun. "Hmmm? Concerned that we'll face big odds and need numbers you mean? I guess that's-" [color=SpringGreen]"Tch ... what was the point of introducing himself like that?"[/color] That comment stopped Colin in his tracks, and he looked downward, a tad crestfallen. She was probably right. He needed to learn to slow down a bit. "Right..." he said to himself breathlessly. [@Zarkun][@Kitsune][@Little_ninja]