[h2]Dirk Messir[/h2] 'Not a Marine,' came Dirk's response to the pirate captain, shaking his head emphatically in spite of the tilt it remained at. 'A thing happened. I was in the large house. I'm not now.' His stare briefly moved from Bogard to the window, eyeing the Marines starting to gather outside before turning back to the pirate captain, abruptly standing from his position as he decided exactly how much the Red Hoods needed to know. 'Was a slave. Can't let them get me.' And with that, he ducked down beneath the level of the tables and crawled on hands and knees until he reached a hiding spot behind the cafe's bar, in spite of minimal protests from the person behind it (though they left through the front entrance with their hands up shortly afterward, having no personal desire to be attacked by the Marines and seemingly figuring that that was the best way to avoid being killed). Shortly afterward, the attack began. Glass shattered, smoke flooded the building, and projectiles were fired. Dirk, still seated behind the bar, simply drew his kitchen knife from his coat, ready to kill any Marine who entered the building and thought it would be a good idea to check behind the bar. [@Renny][@Ira][@Tmitche23][@CannedBread]