[quote=@Lillium] The point of this RP has never been about being some sort of mutant with super OP powers. Yours holds far too much potential for god modding, which is why it needs to have the edits I asked for. [/quote] I, for one, am going to wait for the other two GMs to weigh in, because hopefully they'll be able to explain this better than I could. [hider=Goodnight] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/ed88d580384b8da6f5df0abe4589c6df/tumblr_mtb2w0wyIF1ql33s1o1_1280.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=This is notably less civil. Probably best if you don't read this.] Wait wait wait. We have: - Teleportation. - Manipulation of the lack of light. - Technopathy in a location where there are electronics literally every three feet. - Telekinesis AND Telepathy in a single character. - TIME CONTROL. - SPACE CONTROL. - AND LITERAL FUCKING MIND CONTROL. And you're worried about a power that progressively makes its owner weaker to the point of NEEDING PREDIGESTED FOOD IN ORDER TO SURVIVE BECAUSE OF HOW BADLY FUCKED HER BODY BECOMES AND COULD VERY EASILY DIE FROM A PAPERCUT, because after a couple decades she might be able to cause someone to OD if they just so happened to have eaten enough of the elements needed to make the chemical they would OD on. And let's not forget the kicker. The only reason you're even complaining about my char is because it's the only one (Aside from Vocab's now) that actually outlines how the power will grow, and the last two, which I've said many times now could very easily not be reached by the time this rp ends, scare you. [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/3794bef12c33350ea68a282732faa738/tumblr_nk5a7jd5Wi1s8dxvdo9_400.png[/img] I... I do not understand the level of insane you operate at. [/hider]