Sebastian was smiling at the girl, feeling like something of a hero. If they hadn't found her she could easily have become food for the next thing that came along. Glancing around he realized the Jester seemed to have been lost in all the chaos, or perhaps he just puttered off not interested in the group anymore. [i]We might have to go looking for him just to check if he's alright[/i] he thought before deciding to invite this girl with them. Sebastian opened his HUD, opening the party panel and preparing to send an invite when something leapt from behind toward him, at first his instinct was to kill causing him to take a quick jab at the creature before it managed to turn on a dime and redirect itself at his comrade, barely escaping death at the end of the skewer. The thing's teeth latched onto the bag but resulted in him dangling there shamefully, allowing him to realize it had been a little fox. Foxes had always been some of the coolest animals in the real world, and naturally Sebastian wanted to see if he could manage to get it as some kind of pet. [i]Did this game have a pet function?[/i] he thought to himself before the creature backed off and transformed into a human. Caught off guard, Sebastian dropped his sword on the ground which made an odd wobbling sound as the skinny metal blade wiggled about. He shot glances to the two around him confused. [b]"Hey thief!"[/b] Sebastian shouted as he snatched the rapier with his left hand from the ground before reaching with his opposite hand towards his back where a heavier longsword was. The enemy had taken a battle stance and then so had Sebastian, it seems it would come down to PVP but could he handle killing this person? His feet kicked off the ground launching him forward before a knife from the first girl flew past his gut and stuck into a tree behind the group. He stopped cold in his tracks and paused, looking at the thief in front of him before he began to laugh, it began as a slight chuckle before engulfing him into a frenzy of howling laughter for a couple long seconds before he finally calmed down and wiped his eyes. [b]"Kid what are you doing trying to rob a group of three people out here? Are you trying to die or something? What's wrong with you are you that desperate or silly in the head, can't afford anything?"[/b] He sized the kid up a bit, not too fit for combat but ballsy and that's what Sebastian wanted in his group. [b]"Let me ask you something"[/b] he shot glances at both the thief and the girl they had met up with. [b]"So what are you guys doing out here? Farming? Lookin' for gold and loot, all that fun stuff? Why don't you come with me and my party to a cave. We have a [i]quest[/i]."[/b] Within a second, both the thief and the poor girl would see a party invitation appear before them. [b]"The name's Sebastian Castle. Nice to meet you two."[/b] he offered his hand out to the thief to shake, showing no hard feelings between them besides Sebastian would rather have a thief stealing from his enemies than himself. Far above the small group, a creature sat within the darkness of the trees with rage bubbling inside her. The young she had just given birth to yesterday laid slain on the ground before them but the spider knew now was not the time to act, alone she could not kill these four maybe one or two but not all four. Being of a higher level, the monster's AI was sentient and understood exactly what the man with the two blades had said. They were going to the Rat King lair and if they didn't die in there, they would have to walk back through the forest where she would be waiting. They would pay in blood for what they did to her young, as the thought of devouring their flesh filled the Spider's artificial mind a thick, viscous fluid began to froth and bubble on her thick fangs.