Lamia's patience had just about gone. She could feel her anxiety making way, first to irritation, then to indignation an finally to anger. I t was a feeling that rose to the back of her throat and the noise around her seemed to fill her head to the point where she couldn't concentrate on anything beyond her own tiredness, how weak she felt and her own anger. Surprising herself, she started to laugh sardonically. "Okay," she started, chuckling slightly once Magneto finished speaking, "Let me get this straight; You're "considered terrorists"? There's no "considered" about it, you [i]did[/i] kill a bunch of politicians and you [i]have[/i] killed thousands of people [i]at least[/i]." Lamia stated carefully yet oddly passionately, as if there was a lot weighing on her mind that she was all to glad to get rid of. "And don't give me that "the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is perception" shit, the Brotherhood of Mutants are a bunch or mutant-suprecimist cunts who kill as many innocent civilians with their collateral damage as they kill human-supremacists! For fucks sake, you people would have made Hitler proud! But we're supposed to just ignore all that and run to you with appreciation all because there's "an impending threat facing the mutant race?" We're just supposed to ignore that a mass-murdererer has called us here today and overlook your atrocities because it's super important to you? Actually, you know what, forget all that, let's focus on what [i]you[/i] said..." she continued, looking evenly at Magneto, sourly. ""There will be no leaving", huh? So that means we haven't been recruited, we've been kidnapped and we're being told we don't have a choice, like child soldiers. What are you going to do if any of us says no and asks to leave? Kill us? Are you going to kill people, mutant or not, just to get your way? And that's supposed to inspire confidence and loyalty in us? Through what, fear? Or are you just going to keep us prisoner here and kidnap another group until you find the ones to scared to say no? Until you get your subservient mutant army following out of fear?" Lamia rubbed her temples. Now she [i]really[/i] wanted to hit something. She could feel the anxiety come crashing back. "But you know what? Do whatever the fuck you want. Go ahead and kill anyone who say no to you, you'll be doing at least one of us a favour." She laughed, "You know I've actually killed myself about twelve times this week? Just ask your blue errand boy, I slit my throat before I got here. So go ahead and pull your bullshit, but for fucks sake just hurry the fuck up and get on with it or step up your game and give us one good reason to actually listen to you beside "there's a threat to mutants and you cannot leave."" Lamia kept her eyes level with Magneto's, her indignation coming to the forefront of her mind and words, "Because right now I think you're just the same sort of "rule through pain, control and fear" pathetic fuck I know all too well."