Saturday ︱ 01:17 AM ︱ Summer Night had long fallen over the city and the bright street lights tinted the avenues in hues of orange and white. During the day, people rushed through these same streets from the hotels to the shopping centers and exclusive restaurants but, as the nigh fell, new and exciting areas seemed to come to life. It was a busy night in a city that never sleeps. Exams had ended not long ago and college students and high schoolers were eager for their first free weekend, while the warm weather was starting to bring tourists to this big city near the coast. And as the summer breeze blew in between the tall buildings that overwatched the night scenery, young people walked in small groups to the souther district of the metropolis. The southern district was a big commercial area placed far away from the residential zones, but it was also known for harboring a number of nightclubs, brothels and bars. At night it became a dangerous area, in which accidents and deaths often took place, always blamed to the alcohol and drugs. And still the place had given birth to a trendy club famous for its extravagance and dark and mysterious appeal. The 7th Sin was almost like Denis' second home. The young, beautiful blond boy leaned nonchalantly towards the bar, drink in hand, as he scanned the room with piercing, almond shaped eyes. He touched his slightly exposed chest as he distractedly toyed with his necklace while he waited for a suitable prey. This was the perfect night for a hunt, and the young demon licked his lips at the thought of finally unleashing his instincts after weeks of starvation. His pupils dilated and a pair of sharp fangs pierced through his lips as he tried to control his urge of killing. His self-control was slowly shattering.