[color=ed145b][h2]Tomomi Katayama[/h2][/color] Instead of letting on that she was a little intimidated, Tomomi laughed as Shiro stormed off. [color=ed145b]"Big talk for the guy that's running away, Shiro."[/color] she muttered after a few seconds. Man, she'd hoped he'd have taken the bait, but it seemed like he wasn't gonna do any more than talk. Now what was she meant to do? Seemed like there was no other choice. [color=ed145b]"Man, that sure is boring. Now I actually gotta go to class."[/color] she groaned in frustration, kicking a bottle down the corridor to express her annoyance. Speaking of which, she should probably actually go now. She prepared to go when one of the kids Shiro had been picking on walked up to her. As she heard the kid thanking her, she looked over and rolled her eyes a little bit. [color=ed145b]"Look, don't thank me, alright? I don't like the way Shiro acts is all. No offence, but looking out for you guys didn't really come into it."[/color] She shrugged. Looking at the time though, she figured she'd better head to her classroom. [color=ed145b]"I don't wanna be late, though. Already in enough trouble for attendance."[/color] she said to the kid as she turned and headed upstairs. She knew where the class was, passing the American kid on her way there, and pausing at the door. Class B-7. Oh well, time to see the teacher's reaction to her turning up. This was probably going to end up as the highlight of her day, so she walked in with a cocky, self-satisfied smirk plastered on her face. Surprise!