The metaphorical clock struck midnight and Lucrezia Cancelliere entered the 7th Sin through the main entrance. She was always exactly on time, every single day—so much that some people were all but expecting her to appear. The demon liked that, she liked when people were aware of her presence because that meant her supernatural allure could take its effect that much easier. A few eyes turned towards her as she walked through the club with elegance and grace. She wore a long black dress which went very well with her hair of similar qualities. Her amethyst necklace glinted in the club's light, and so did her striking amber eyes. She made her way to one of the five tables that stood in the middle of the bar, near a counter and slightly elevated from the dancefloor to make for undisrupted and calm drinking and chatting. Though it was a table for two, it was reserved for her only. The only others who could sit here were those she brought there herself. The...[i]special[/i] ones. A bartender was quick on the duty and served her up with her cocktail of choice. She usually drank it merely out of formality and to look more natural—the demon hungered for a much different kind of cuisine. It was not unusual for a daring and adventurous human to approach her within minutes of her sitting down. Today was not such time. She looked around the 7th Sin, having good view on both the entrance and the main dancefloor. She saw many different faces, some regulars but mostly new ones, almost all of them in their early 20s or even younger. It was that time of the year again: summer and a lot more free time for most humans. The most prime opportunity. Lucrezia slowly spun the straw in her cocktail. She felt different entities in the popular club as well—her own kind. The demon aura was much stronger than the human, much easier to be spotted. She stayed unfazed. There was more than enough prey here for everyone. But if anyone wished to challenge [i]her[/i] chosen one...they would end up wishing they had never done so.