[@Neko Sensei] [hider=Brianna Malone] [color=8882be][Center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/11z2hy1Kr7FVGE/giphy.gif[/img] [h3]Brianna Malone[/h3] Age: 21 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Human/Demon: Human Likes: - Rock music - Chaotic spaces - Drawing - Her friends - Being creative - Painting Dislikes: - Staying still - Boring conversation - People who bully others - When her drawings are messed with - Feeling useless Personality: Brianna is outgoing, outspoken, goes with the flow, random, intelligent, and she may tend to manipulate people every now and then. Brianna loves having fun and working on new painting or drawings. She tends to mess around with people a lot, she likes talk circles around them to confuse them and get what she wants most of the time. She's deceiving though, she doesn't appear to be one to mess with your head she appears to be just a fun and outgoing girl, it doesn't cross many people that she will mess and play head games with you. Brianna has her opinions and she often speaks them all the time, she's the girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind and lighten up the mood. She may see all fun and games but the thing is Brianna's actually very smart. She's book smart as well as being street smart, she knows how to interact with people and she does it well. She uses her wits to toy with people. Hell she even uses her body to toy with people, She teases guys and even girls all the time. She'll flirt with anyone and everyone. But she loves when someone flirts with her and tries to get her attention. Brianna though is very silent and focused when she works on art projects. She loves to create new things and prefers it over painting things that have already been thought of. She's always sitting down in her spare time with a note book drawing things out and what she'd need and everything really. She has a creative mind and she knows how to use it most days into her work. Extra: She has a sweets addiction [/center][/color] [/hider]