[center][hider=Allia Verellen] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LmI0NzRhNS5RV3hzYVdFZ1ZtVnlaV3hzWlc0LC4w/asiago.medium.png[/img] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/97611533/large.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Her face and hair] [img]https://pp.vk.me/c636617/v636617659/c584/PAfOkDOg62E.jpg[/img] [/hider] Allia stands at 5'6" which is a height that she has always loved. Not too tall and not too short but short enough to sneak out of places when she felt like she needn't be there. Allia always has her soft white hair which curls up towards the ends brushed in front of her face. The only facial features that you would be able to see are her rosy pink lips that are small but appear large when she smiles. Underneath that glomp of hair is a cute girl with peculiar eyes that are a mix between purple and blue. Her body, which is quite well toned has a few scars but the most noticeable would be the one on her left arm that looks suicidal but it wasn't on purpose. The one near her right eye has practically fully healed and faded away. [hr][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI0LjlhNjU4ZS5RV2RsLjEA/krumkake.medium.png[/img] [b]17, December 2nd[/b] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI0LjlhNjU4ZS5SMlZ1WkdWeS4xAAAA/krumkake.medium.png[/img] [b]Female[/b] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI0LjlhNjU4ZS5VMlY0ZFdGc2FYUjUuMQAAAA,,/krumkake.medium.png[/img] [b]Pansexual[/b] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI0LjlhNjU4ZS5TR2x6ZEc5eWVRLCwuMQAAAAAA/krumkake.medium.png[/img] Allia, since she was young, was a weakling when it came to socialization. She was bullied throughout elementary and 2 years of middle school. In middle school, a lot of the kids would make fun of her just for the sake of it. She was timid, quiet, a pushover, and awkward. Allia was never good with eye contact. It made her so nervous that she started to feel extremely sick in the stomach. Her school was mainly full of rich kids that had no idea that the world wasn’t just their playground. Allia was the daughter of a rich couple that managed one of the largest international trading company that they had owned along with her father's family fortune. Her parents weren’t too sweet. They honestly didn’t care as long as she didn’t taint their name and made sure to stay out of their way. She tried to please them but it was a pretty hard job when they wouldn’t even pay attention to her most of the time. Allia felt unnoticed all of the time but over the years, she just got used to it. Grades were important to them. A smart child was a good thing to have so bad grades were not allowed and B's would result in punishment which was usually getting hit and not having any food for 2 days. Her middle school was a pretty large private school that cost much more than your average private school to get into. The only [i]friend[/i] that she had was one of the popular girls that ended up trapping her inside of the storage room for 5 hours straight, thus her fear of dark and small rooms. As well as females in general. Now, her fear for girls has gone down but it still took a toll on her when the girls would gang up on her. Moving to her new middle school and now high school was good for her. It still had kids that were mean but over the years, she started to hide her eyes away from sight. No one would talk to her too much since she was that creepy girl with the bangs that hid practically all of her face besides her eyes. Then, she could actually have somewhat proper conversations with people without getting shy. In fact, it allowed her to be completely different. The day that she was kidnapped was a boring one. She was studying for the most part and decided to go outside. They hit her with her weakness. [i]Sweets.[/i] Luring her in by promising her a delicious souffle. Allia honestly didn't care so she followed the person that told her there was a nearby shop, only to meet two men that dragged her into a van. [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI0LjlhNjU4ZS5VRzkzWlhJLC4xAAAAAAAA/krumkake.medium.png[/img] Her power is an extremely simple. Invisibility and the power to become translucent all in all. Since she has just noticed it, it has an unfortunate side effect. If she is nervous at the time, she will become a slight shade of pink before being able to be seen once again. Allia realized that she had this power when she was speaking to someone outside and the wind blew her hair up, causing them to meet her eye. She began to become translucent and nearly invisible, then pink. Allia soon ran away, unsure of what had just happened. :-:Weaknesses:-: She will start bleeding if she does it too much -Notes-- She was born with congenital analgesia otherwise known as the condition when one cannot feel pain. [/hider] [/center]