As Akira walked the hallways it wouldn't be long before he'd encounter the nervous girl again, by which they'd caught up to him. [color=ed1c24]"Don't apologise, guys a moron."[/color] Normally Akira wouldn't talk so soon to someone he'd never met before but it was a rather strange sense of momentary camaraderie. [color=ed1c24]"Just try to stay out of his way, I can handle him myself if necessary."[/color] His second comment, although unintentional came off with a cold tone as he naturally dissuaded further conversation. Akira would give a small wave before he'd tug on his bag strap and jog upstairs, his height allowing him to naturally pace two steps at a time like it was normal. [color=ed1c24]"B-7...B-7..."[/color] He mumbled to himself as he tried to gain his bearings, glancing up and down the corridor before heading off in the direction of the class. A heavy sigh would leave the boys lips as he walked in the class a few paces behind another student. He thought he'd recognised them from earlier from the small glimpse he saw before it has disappeared into the class. His arrival had merely confirmed his thoughts seeing someone so frequently in such a small time frame felt rather odd. Almost as though it weren't merely coincidence... Akira shook his head to get the thought out his mind as he glanced about the class. Most of the students that had already arrived were gossiping in their little class social cliches. Not much desiring that much company, Akira wasted no time in ignoring them and heading to the back of the class to pick a desk. Slowly scanning each one before taking on of the centre back desks, he desired not the glare of sunlight through the windows, or being associated as the little shit sat in the corner. Somewhat pleased with his choice Akira slung the bag off his shoulder onto the desk, rummaging its contents for the things he'd need along with a book to read when break would arrive. He then pulled the chair out taking his seat, slowly sinking as he slumped downwards into a more relaxed position as he glanced around the class once more. There wasn't anyone he particularly recognised, aside from the usual class skipper, oddly enough despite her lack of attendance she was the most recognisable one there. A small smirk grew on his face, before leaving in wake of yet another sigh. [color=ed1c24]"Already wish this was over..."[/color] He grumbled as he tapped his fingers on the edge of the desk in boredom.