[b]Saturday ︱ 01:31 AM | 7th Sin[/b] Davina Culebros entered the location 7th Sin at exactly 1:31 at night. Her usual leather vest with the skull with fangs and snake on the back sat above her plain black long-arm shirt. Her dark jeans were held tightly by a black belt with pointy rivets on it. She was wearing black high-heel boots that wrapped up all of her lower legs gracefully. Unnoticable in her high boots were two knives hidden. Davina never left home without a weapon, in fact she didn't even go around her own home without any, she always carried at least a knife with her. Considering that no gun was in her personal leather vest and no further weapons beside the two knifes were anywhere hidden on her body, she considered herself unarmed. Her dark eyes gazed over the dance floor for a second, and then spotted the queen of the location. A dark haired, very confident looking lady that would probably snap someone's kneck if she got feeded the wrong kind of cherry. A fancy necklace was shining in the nightclub's lights and for a quick second Davina wondered if she'd steal it, just to make her crazy. But decided against it. She didn't come to make trouble. At least not tonight. She didn't come to take someone's place. At least not tonight. And she didn't come to start a long lasting rivalry with the 7th Sins queen. No, not tonight. Davina wandered straight through the dancing people, who seemed to split when she approached them too closely, and went straight for the bar. Most people jumped out of her way, just because she had that certain look about her, that she would rather kick them down than move around them. She stood leaning against the counter and ordered a beer for herself. Only seconds later she held a cold bottle in her hand and was drinking some of the liquid. It was decent enough. She kept her eyes on the dancing people, not really observing them, just looking into the air.