Mechanical progression is definitely secondary, although I expect all our characters will want a solid team. There's no minimum number of paragraphs - while I enjoy a long, well-written post as much as the next guy, it's much more important that you post at a reasonable rate. I will confess, though, that I haven't been a regular poster on RPGuild since back in 2008-2009, so I don't really know how board culture works anymore, or what the various boards really imply. I put this in the Advanced section because I want a certain level of writing ability in my players - I want players who are capable of creating strong, interesting characters and make them come to life in their writing, and who have the communication and teamwork skills to create a story together without getting in each other's way. As I wrote in the initial post, there's no artificial limit to the number of moves your pokémon can learn. This game will cleave closer to the conventions of the animé than to the games, and realism isn't terribly important to me. Perishable supplies we'll handle in any way that's convenient - little details like that are secondary to having a fun adventure.