The teacher of class B-7 was Mr. Kumagera a teacher known for his simple and honest personality. It wouldn't be unfair to call him boring and by the book but it meant that kids got what they needed, and had someone to go too if they needed advice or help. He wasn't one to laugh or complain and he simply did things like a robot. He had simple cut brown hair that was thin and straw like and he wore a simple blue tie and white shirt. He had khaki pants and black dress shoes on as usual. In all he looked just like the average male in Japan. He looked down at Tomomi and blinked as she entered the room and simply checked off her name. [color=fdc68a]"Hello Miss Katayama good morning too you. Please sit down in row 2 third seat."[/color] he said with a bored tone as he checked her name off the list with a blank stare. The other students in the class were either seated and looking through their phones for texts, or chatting with other students about the new year or hobbies. Will sat in the middle 4th row 5th seat and he was twiddling with his fingers. He wasn't too interested in interacting with anyone because of his bad Japanese. He couldn't really effectively understand what they were saying half they time. It wasn't a race thing or a cultural thing it was just...he sucked at speaking Japanese. He had communicated with Heero in japanese before but he never really spoke it too often before arriving in Japan. However he couldn't help but feel like this would be the best chance too do so. Still Will wasn't too interesting in speaking too anyone in general. He just...wasn't that social in truth. However he couldn't help but hear the boy next to him mumble that he was already sick of school or something like that. [color=6ecff6]" Do you need the rep?"[/color] Will stuttered out in crude japanese as he looked at the boy next to him. [color=6ecff6]"Sorry for my...bad japanese....still learning."[/color]