[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/x7OsGVQ.gif[/img][/center] Nina had arrived at the 7th Sin night club over an an hour ago. She sat in her usual booth that gave her a good view of both the dance floor and the bar. Her dark brown eyes casually watched the club's ever moving patrons as she stirred her cosmopolitan with a thin slice of lime to mix in the crimson red substance she had poured into the drink from the tiny vial that she wore around her neck. Setting the fruit slice down upon the napkin, Nina picked up the glass with her delicate hand and brought to her glossed lips. Her lips curled into a slight smile as the cocktail touched her taste buds. Vodka, the tangy taste of lime, the sweetness of cranberry and triple sec, and a hint of the coppery flavor of plasma swirled inside her warm mouth for just a moment before she swallowed. She had come to the club with the intention of getting her dance on for a bit before heading home for the night. But, shortly after stepping on to the floor Nina found herself surrounded by three drunken frat boys whom were getting way too handsy for her. Of course Nina could have dispatched of them with ease, yet in doing so she would have exposed her true self and placed not only herself in danger but the rest of her kind as well. Instead she tripped them upon the dance floor and gave the drunkards the slip. Now here she sat. Nursing her second drink and growing bored out of her mind. After taking another sip from her glass Nina sighed. Maybe she would just call it a night. With her danty little purse in on hand and her glass in the other Nina left her booth. Her four inch heels clicked along the floor though their sound was drowned out by the loud music that was being fed through the club. Her [url=http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv5ci2Z7XY1qk43g7o1_500.jpg]velvet dress with lavender shoulder straps and waistband[/url] complimented her figure nicely but by no means in a slutty way. Nina had decided at the last minute to by bottle of Van Gogh so she make her own cosmos at home. As she began to walk towards the bar Nina found herself looking at a young brunette dressed in a biker's outfit. Nina had noticed the woman approach the bar earlier, but when no other bikers joined her at the bar Nina lost interest. It might have been quite interesting for a gang to have rode up into 7th Sin. Maybe it was all the leather she wore or perhaps the way she was caring herself, now Nina found the woman with the short dark hair quite fascinating. Nina was maybe five feet from the bar when her left arm was grabbed firmly. "Hey, sweetness." It was one of the frat boys from earlier. "H-How about dat dance now, huh?" He couldn't have been more than twenty-five standing at roughly six foot. Sweat had caused his dress shirt to start to cling to his body hinting at his musculature. "[color=BA55D3]Let me go[/color]," Nina said firmly, her deep brown eyes glaring up at him. She could have broken free of his grasp easily, and broken him in half before he could blink, but as before Nina did not wish to make a scene. "C-Com'on, baby," the drunkard said looking down at her with glazed over eyes. "Dance wit' meh an' my friends. We'll all have a... have a gud time. I promish!"