[b]Davina Culebros[/b] The brunette still leant against the bar and drank her beer lazily, her eyes fixed on the dance floor she watched as a guy stumbled across it. Not feeling interested in his actions, she looked away to watch some students dance, obviously drunk and not very skilled with their body movements. She would have been amused if she didn't feel like it was so pathetic how they girls shook their tiny asses in their tiny skirts and the boys moved their hips upwards as though any of this would help their cases. She sighed and seceretly shook her head over them. Another sip from her ice cold beer - man this was good. She really liked cold drinks. All kind of them. Smoothly her eyes went over the rest of the club. The lady she had seen earlier - black hair, heavy necklace, attitude - was still sitting in her throne and seemed to not bother about a thing. But that was only form her perspective, who knew if that was even true. "[color=BA55D3]Let me go[/color]." The sudden words suggesting that someone's personal space had been invaded, made the biker girl look for the source. A pretty brunette was being held at the arm by some drunk douche. Davina got up without thinking about it and stepped over to them. "[color=fff79a]The lady said let her go[/color]." Her voice was harsh and did not suggest any other reaction but leaving would be harmless for the drunken guy. She would love to give him a nice bruise or even a broke nose to remember her by. Hearing her little brother beg for their father to 'leave him' and 'let go' of him made her weak to these certain words. She would not watch anyone get harmed, or anyone's space get invaded, so easily. She was sure the pretty lady could have handled this situation herself. There were many options to get rid of a drunk loser like this one, especially in a club full of people and bouncer. But she couldn't hold it.