Time passed slowly. Lucrezia was more in her thoughts than anything. The music in the background, though almost obnoxiously loud and not even her preference, did not bother her. She sipped her drink casually and watched as the club slowly filled up with people as it got deeper into the night. People...and demons. Their presence was ever-growing, although she could still only sense a few. Perhaps they hungered more than she did. Over the years, she had learned to handle this forever insatiable need well enough to never be in risk of losing herself to the primal instincts. Yet, not all demons could say the same... Every once in a while a human with a stronger than usual aura caught her attention. The first such came about an hour and a half after Lucrezia arrived: a young woman, her appearance fitting her striking emanation. Others noticed her too as she strode past. Just like theirs however, the demon's attention was fleeting as well and soon her eye was on other interesting ones, be it a lonely grunt or a social butterfly. They all seemed different, unique. Lucrezia wondered. Maybe, just maybe one of them could finally break the monotony of her days... The idle, silent scouring came to a halt as new sounds entered the air besides the thumping music. Raised voices, perhaps an argument starting. Lucrezia turned to see for herself. It was the woman she took a good look at earlier, and another one. One with an aura invasive enough to be felt even without the demon's heightened senses. [color=crimson]"Hmm..."[/color] Lucrezia murmured. A dominant demon. It has already been a good while since she fought another of her kind, but it has been much longer since she last used her...most preferred skills to win. She was not one for feuding when it was not necessary, but she had to admit it has been far too long without a real challenge. Maybe it was just the other demon woman's extraordinary aura clashing with her own...but she knew she could not let this go with a modest smirk and a nod, like she handled many matters. She stood up and calmly approached the scene. [color=crimson]"Well, well... Is there a problem here?"[/color]