[@wolverbells] [hider=To Wolverbells] Yes, clearly the issue is that I cannot work with others. Nevermind the fact that I made the changes requested except in a way that doesn't cripple the character for the entirety of the rp. Nevermind that it's perfectly reasonable for someone to get angry when unreasonable demands are made of them. No, the problem must be that I don't work well with others. :/ I'll throw out this version since, apparently, it's somehow OP despite being debatably the weakest power so far. If this had been brought up in a PM, say, by Lillium telling me "oh I don't think that the way you implemented those edits is enough" in the PM that we already had, then it would have continued the in PM. Instead, they decided to say it here in the OOC, so it remained here in the OOC. I understand wanting to take your friend's side, but that kind of thing isn't going to go uncommented on. The hider specifically said "don't read this." It was in a hider specifically because it wasn't a part of the discussion, it was a venting outlet that, as opposed to the alternative of PMing the other rpers here, is a functional and relatively civil way to express oneself. I don't like people talking about me behind my back, so I don't want to talk about others or issues with others behind their back. So I chose to make it possible for Lillium to see it if they chose to despite my warning that they probably shouldn't, instead of saying it outside of a hider or PMing the other rpers, since it was mostly meant for them to see. Notably for you and Jinxer to see so you could see the hypocrisy of singling out my character's powers when, compared to other accepted powers, mine are incredibly useless. [/hider] [@Jinxer] [hider=To Jinxer] See, here's the thing. If the disagreement with how I handled the changes was brought up in a PM, I'd have kept it there. It wasn't. It was brought up in the OOC for all to see. And unlike normal players, GMs have certain control over an RP, which means they need to be held accountable for how they use it. This particular example wasn't an issue of "oh there's a dispute with another person so it should be solved privately." If it were, Lillium would have started this differently and thus I would have handled it differently. Instead, this became an issue of "someone in power is, debatably, abusing it." Which is something that should be handled publicly. The fact that Lillium blatantly said "the opinions of other Rpers are irrelevant, stay out of this" shows that. I don't consider anything of what I said to be even approaching "abuse." If you do, please elaborate and I'll work on making sure it doesn't happen again. I also don't consider what I said to be aggressive towards Lillium; it was at worst an aggressive tone in my explanation of my reasoning, not directed at anyone. Again, if you disagree, tell me and tell me specifically instead of making an overarching post where portions pretend to be directed at everyone when they clearly are meant for a single person. I understand if you three aren't attempting to nerf any powers, but that's the situation I was presented with. "Make your character useless or it won't be accepted." I did simply put forward my point of view and explained why it was what it was and, lo and behold, it wasn't even acknowledged. It was totally ignored because the GM in question already made up their mind without thinking about the consequences of what their demands would result in. This is very aggravating when it happens. Similarly, it is aggravating when another GM ignores the issue entirely and subverts it by simply saying "oh I don't like your tone so, despite the actual issue and the points that each side makes, I'm taking side X instead of yours." It wasn't the suggestion that I reacted angrily to. It was the ignoring of a reasonable compromise and the giving of a demand that I reacted angrily to. The actual suggestion I took into account and applied as well as I could without killing any viability of the character. [/hider] [@Lillium] [hider=To Lillium] You are not a despot. An RP requires players to exist. The position of GM does not give you the right to treat the players like secondary classes or to demand that they not give input to issues that affect the RP that they are a part of. If you think that something shouldn't have outside input, then take the advice of your fellow GMs and take it to PMs. But the opinions of other players matter, and you shouldn't outright ignore them or tell them to not express them just because they disagree with you. Don't abuse your power as a GM. [/hider]