[color=00a651][i]Whirrrrrrrrrrr.[/i][/color] DRU had done it. Her faithful little robot colt had gotten her to the truck, and her ethereal, beautiful Persona had been a better protector than Saitou could ever ask. Source of the golden fog. With eleven - no, ten and a half; with a [i]CLANG[/i] of a soda bottle against the shambling corpse of the bifurcated robot, the legion lost another half an automaton - other mechanized delivery boys bearing down on her, time had been of the essence. Together, girl, Persona, and robot had done it. In time to save burger boy and guitar girl? With any luck. Perhaps she had found the Ark of the Covenant. That may not be such a good thing. [color=00a651]"[i]Kaguya-hime...[/i]" [/color]she whispered again. [color=00a651]"I'm not hungry anymore."[/color] She could see the dents from where the DRU had burst through the back of the truck. No flames touched this part of the downed vehicle; just golden fog and noxious black smoke. What was she supposed to do now? [color=00a651][i]Should I be scared? Daisuke's not. Guitar girl is not. My parents wouldn't be.[/i][/color] What was she, if not the sum of those who loved her? She would channel them all. Like Captain Planet. From the thought of those she loved, combined, she derived strength. There was no room for fear. She reached for her cell phone, turned the screen's brightness up to max, and then turned on the flashlight on the back of the device. Slowly, she lowered it into the tear left by the DRU legion...and then dropped the phone in altogether, to illuminate the back of the truck.