[@Muffinator]Done. [hider=Shane][b]Name:[/b] Shane [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvNEJFJCDzo[/youtube] [b]I.D. Picture:[/b] [hider][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/crossoverrp/images/7/7b/Pokemon_Thunder_trainer_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140311211615[/img][/hider] [b]Background:[/b] As a child growing up in Dewey City, Shane was first exposed to Pokemon thanks to his elder cousin Janet. An accomplished trainer with a specialty for Eevees, Shane got to watch when Janet first got her Eevee and even her first real Pokemon Battle. Since that time, Janet became the talk of the family as word of her skill as a trainer would always reach home while she was out journeying and making a name for herself. It was no surprise when Shane wanted to follow her lead, and soon he got his chance. While visiting home, Janet's Leafeon and Glaceon unexpectedly produced an Egg. Coincidentally, it was right around Shane's birthday, and part of that celebration was his receiving a trainer's license. Knowing this, Janet surprised Shane by giving him the Egg, the Eevee whom hatched from it becoming his first Pokemon partner. Janet told him that when she first set out, she crossed the Mayone Plateau and made Forte Village her first stop on her journey, so Shane decided to do the same. However, he first wanted to look around in Arune Forest for Pokemon, and while there he encountered and captured a wild Budew, his first catch as a Pokemon Trainer. The plan now is to backtrack back to Dewey City so that he can make for Mayone Plateau and, after that, Forte Village. [b]Hometown:[/b] Dewey City [b]Current Location:[/b] Arune Forest [b]Bag:[/b] 10x Poke Ball 10x Quick Ball 5x Max Potion 5x Full Heal 3x Full Restore [b]Pokemon:[/b] [u][b]-Eevee-[/b][/u] Shane's original Pokemon Partner, Eevee tends to spend more time outside her Poke Ball than most of his other Pokemon, and can often be found snuggled in his backpack. She isn't shy, though, and is usually more than happy to pop out and greet someone if it hears or smells someone talking to Shane. She can also be tough when needed, too, she's an offspring of two of Janet's strongest Pokemon after all, so Eevee's not afraid to jump into the fray when she's needed. She's highly adaptable too, able to hit her opponents hard when it counts. (Ability: Adaptability) [u][b]-Budew-[/b][/u] The newest addition to Shane's budding team of Pokemon, Budew can be a bit temperamental when it comes to its size. Since Budew are naturally very small Pokemon, sometimes the bigger species can be known to bully them. In fact, that was Budew met his new Trainer. Shane spotted a flock of Pidgeys picking on him, and chased them off together with his Eevee partner. Out of gratitude, Budew let Shane challenge him to a battle and then catch him. Budew is usually very eager to prove himself, and as a result he hates being defeated. (Ability: Natural Cure) (Special Move: Sludge Bomb) [b]Trainer Perks:[/b] The less common, more gimmicky Poke Balls seem to work better for him than the standard ones. He also tends to prefer those Balls because they look flashier and more unique.[/hider] Also, here's some things about Janet for the GM's perusal: [hider=Janet] [b]Name:[/b] Janet [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Theme Song:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eME0i92-_bw[/youtube] [b]Picture ID:[/b] [hider][img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/b6e9/th/pre/f/2013/365/e/a/tiny_zombutt_by_ky_nim-d70567h.png[/img][/hider] [b]Personality/Background:[/b] In spite of being what most would consider a "celebrity trainer", Janet is far from being a diva. In fact she's more of a tomboy than anything else, and is always willing to accept another trainer's challenge, even if it's clear that she outclass them. In such cases, even in victory she's quick to complement her opponent when they've genuinely impressed her and will always leave them with some free advice gained from her own experiences. She tends to give Shane in-particular "special" treatment, in that she's not afraid to be more critical of his style or skill level in the hopes of helping him to toughen up. Having also come from Dewey City, Janet started her journey at the young age of 13, with only a single Eevee at her side. Since then she's added several Pokemon to her considerably strong team, though she has gained a specific fame for specializing in Eevee and its various evolutions. [b]Pokemon:[/b] Janet has trained with several different Pokemon at this point, and so her active team changes around from time to time. Below are the Pokemon she's been known switch in and out of her active team. [i][b]-Glaceon[/b][/i]: One of two Pokemon that she never benches for any reason. In Glaceon's case, it's because it evolved from her original Eevee from when she first started out. [i][b]-Leafeon[/b][/i]: The other Pokemon that never gets benched. Leafeon evolved from a wild Eevee Janet encountered that took a liking to her own Eevee. They've become fiercely protective of one another and as a result are often used together in double battles. [i][b]-Umbreon[/b][/i] [i][b]-Vaporeon[/b][/i] [i][b]-Flareon[/b][/i] [i][b]-Espeon[/b][/i] [i][b]-Jolteon[/b][/i] [i][b]-Gliscor[/b][/i] [i][b]-Heracross[/b][/i] [i][b]-Zangoose[/b][/i][/hider] One more thing? Funky Town absolutely NEEDS to have a Miror B type of Gym Leader.