[h3][color=darkgray]Bishop[/color][/h3][b][New Amber Town - Maple Pokemon Lab][/b] [@Leoven] The others seemed completely intent on getting out of there as soon as possible, and she couldn't blame them. It was just by instinct that one their age would crave adventure. [color=darkgray]"Don't worry, it won't take too long."[/color] She said, bringing the girl (Who the Pokedex had identified as Amber Kree) to the far side of the room. [color=darkgray]"I just wanted to talk to you personally, I know your background, kind of."[/color] She held up a Viore Police Badge stored away in her back pocket for whenever she needed it. [color=darkgray]"I'm kind of like you, I was a cop here in Viore. But I took a leave of absence to become experienced in Pokemon. It was hard, at first, trying to get into my new rhythm. But... really, all I had to do was relax."[/color] She looked over the young uniform clad girl once more. [color=darkgray]"It's quite clear you're anything but relaxed. I'm sure as much as you adore your uniform, you need something a bit more... fitting for an adventure. I know there's a boutique downtown that has everything you'd need. As for learning to control your Pokemon... that's something that will come with time, just learn to relax and you'll be fine. Trust me."[/color] She gave a friendly smile, hoping the words really got through to the girl. [color=darkgray]"Well, I won't hold you for long, I just wanted to lend a helping hand is all. Good luck on your journey!"[/color] She said, giving a wave as she busied herself with a nearby terminal. [h3][color=f7941d]Brent Ignia[/color] and [color=39b54a]Lily Meadows[/color][/h3][b][New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokemon Lab][/b] [@Ninian] While waiting for the rest to get their Pokedex's, they had grabbed some sodas from a nearby Vending Machine. They now sat on the steps of the Lab as they continued to wait. [color=f7941d]"Why are we waiting for them again? We barely even know them..."[/color] Said Brent, looking up into the late afternoon sky. [color=39b54a]"They seem like fun kids, except Miss Moody there. She probably hasn't had a friend in her life, that's just sad. Nobody should live a life without friends, it's just not right..."[/color] She took a sip of her drink. Their Pokemon were contemplating the situation as well. [color=c4df9b][/color] Said Chikorita, looking over to Cyndaquil who was sunbathing next to Brent. [color=f26522][/color] He asked the towering Dragon type.