[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/37/49/b8/3749b8ffd9472ae1ed066866c6a830b3.jpg [/img] [color=82ca9d][b]JACKAL VENTMAW[/b][/color] Location: Archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands. Interacting: [@Ira] [@LokiLeo789] [@malmshodes] [@Hillan] I was alerted to the sound of gunshots, heading out of the deck I caught the glimpse of a marine, Xerxes, and Melany before smoke filled my vision. Instinctively I'd transform again into my monstrous form, hoping the ship would hold my increased mass as I called out for my allies. The smoke and low oxygen didnt bother me too much as I was acclimated to such conditions frequently, however it made it impossible to see much, let alone smell. I noticed a spark, likely from Xerxes, and the smoke retreated. I didnt have time to look to see of the marine as I rushed past Xerxes and to Melany's side, scooping her up with of one of my arms the size of a tree trunk and holding her against my reptilian chest. I was about to ask Xerxes what happens but to my surprise I saw a marine speak and hold his gun at the captain. For a moment I was frozen in fear, and I reminiscent of a burning ship with a dying father and family. My crocodilian eyes then narrowed as I let out an enraged roar, following with words "You will not take this family too!" And launched a sphere of flames from my mouth at the marine. Immediately after firing the projectile Id run to the captain's side and pick him up with my other arm in the same manner I held Melany. I would then crouch to the ground, tail coiling around me as I hunched and kept both Melany and Marxo close between massive arms and my behemoth of a body. "Xerxes I'll keep them safe you take care of the marine!"