Updated - Advanced Apps in Technology section. [hider=Adv App update]However the draw backs of such technology is its link to the soul and the body of the user. If too much strain is placed on the user, if they are incompatible, and or use the suite for far too long they will pass out and become infused into the organic parts of the machine. Creating a beast of chaos.[/hider] Blood & soul details underneath the Abilities / Powers section. [hider=Blood & soul updates] Inherent abilities are within each ethnic group by nature. However it can be minuscule at best. Such as the ability to resist heat as a Tyro, but if you want that to be one of your special abilities you can resist far more fire. You achieve this either through being born with it or some kind of experience. This is true for every ability inherent in each bloodline. You may passively have the abilities listed but they will not be significant compared to the average if you do not detail in your CS the uniqueness of it and how you achieved it. Again, whether through birth or experience. The Soul is within each Descendant in a ethereal form. It draws ethereal energies that allow access to powers of great yet compacted forces. Allowing temporary gateways to open to allow the release of spells. Or to manipulate reality with interstellar power that is not inherent within any Descendant to do on their own. The soul is the main gateway to spell casting for Descendants. The Soul can run out however and that depends on your experience mastering your soul. If a Descendant uses all of their soul's essence they cannot perform any more spells. However they can still manipulate their surroundings with their minds or natural ability. If they attempt a spell in this state they will not be hurt, just their spells will not work. If one continues to strain their soul essence with a spell they cannot cast it will backfire and damage them.[/hider] I will add that if you cannot decide on a limit on your characters soul essence I will provide one for you, in game. When I tell you you've reached your limit that's when you'll know. All marked with [color=red]Red text[/color].