[center][h2]Mitis Forest-Forest Showdown[/h2][/center] Wrath growled slightly in annoyance but took note of Gorgon's preferred choice of close combat fighting. Switching to Comminus Form, he sheaths Rage Bringer and the claws on his gauntlets appear, the light of the sun reflecting off them as he took a ready stance. When her first attack came, Wrath side stepped to the right, avoiding the dagger but finding himself face to face with the snake, which he rolled forwards under it's strike. He'd determined early on that getting hit by one of those big boys would mean he had a very bad day. Spinning quickly, he knocks aside another dagger strike with his left hand and aims a slash towards Gorgon's shoulder, avoiding eye contact, before jumping back and once more being forced to evade the giant snake. He knew the other snake would be arriving to join in the fray soon so Wrath used his Rapid Slashes on Gorgon, closing with her at incredible speeds and slashing five times in quick succession, each blow aimed somewhere different on her body. When he finished, he aimed a quick jab at her chest, a poor decision, as the second snake caught him from his left and sent him careening into a tree. The impact knocked the wind out of the nephilim, but he stood up, taking his stance again. He needed someone to take the snakes if he was going to have a chance.