[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LmI0NzRhNS5RV3hzYVdFZ1ZtVnlaV3hzWlc0LC4w/asiago.medium.png[/img][/center] Allia was startled as the girl went frantic, kicking and screaming. Allia's eyes went wide as she stared at the girl. Was she... ok? Allia looked down at her stomach which had just gotten kicked. She held her stomach unconsciously and looked back up at her. This is why she shouldn’t pat strangers but it was a habit. “Ах ! I- я прошу прощения ! Я не знал, что ты a- Ты в порядке ? (Ah! I-I’m sorry! I didn’t know you were a- Are you alright?” She smiled and nodded. [color=#CB99C9]"я в порядке. Ты?"[/color] [sub]Translation: “I’m fine. Are you?”[/sub] With that, Allia smiled brightly. It was quite obvious that she didn't feel any of the pain. Allia was extremely tempted to pat her head but resisted. Soon, another man came up and began to yell at her. Rude. This Russian man was rude. Allia frowned at the man and looked back at the girl once he had left. [color=#CB99C9]“Извини за это.”[/color] [sub]Translation: “Sorry about that.”[/sub] She says, taking a stand. Either way, she was hungry. Allia felt bad about that and with all the people here, she didn’t feel good. She smiled and waved, going towards the cafeteria. While she walked, Allia hummed a soothing tone. She may have seemed like she was holding it together but she was beginning to get afraid. Allia had heard one of the guys mention all of them having powers and he was probably right. Once again, she was causing trouble for her parents. Hopefully it didn’t get out into the public that she was missing because that would be terrible. It would seem like they couldn't take care of her child. Allia shut her eyes and finally made it into the cafeteria. She looked down as she walked and played with her fingers, the anxiety brewing inside of her. Soon, she saw a vending and tried to find some money slot or whatever. However, there wasn’t such a thing. She began to punch in numbers and decided to get a pack of gummies. She smiled once she received them and nearly took a seat at a nearby table before realizing something. She wasn’t the only one in there. Allia nearly jumped back as she saw the boy that was sitting there eating crisps. [color=#CB99C9]“Ah. S-sorry.”[/color] she said, looking back down. How many people were here? Wait. Was this the moment when she escaped? Was this where she walked away or would that be rude? Allia took a few breaths and calmed herself down. She wasn’t sure if she was allowed to take a seat here anymore and sort of froze in her place before slowly pulling out the chair and taking a seat. She looked down and started eating her gummies, peeking up at the guy sitting at the table. He can’t see my eyes so it’s fine. Tall. That was the first thing that she noticed. He was extremely tall and looked like an athlete. The second thing that she realized was his eyes. They were extremely pretty and looked like jewels. All of the people here were either american or Russian so far while she was just a girl from Europe that had a British accent. However, he did look a bit Caucasian. Her eyes wandered everywhere as she struggled over if she was supposed to make conversation or not. Allia was happy to be getting some food in her stomach at least but she chose to speak. [color=#CB99C9]"D-do you have powers as well?"[/color] she asked, looking over at him and eating another little gummy. [@Jinxer][@Thundercrash]