[@Neko Sensei] [hider=CharleyLynnJr] [img]http://outfitideashq.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/plus-size-fashion-7.jpg[/img] Name: Charley Lynn Jr aka Cj Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Likes: art related stuff, orange juice with some alcohol mixed in, arguing, causing chaos, explosives, traveling, creativity, justice, dissecting, pleasing Dislikes: any green colored food, liars, normal beings, walking "Barbie's" Personally: Cj is a huge hypocrite and knows it, she lies, teases, and flirts to get her way but doesn't like it when others do it. Very kinky and very open she likes to play the innocent farms daughter. She looooves to start and join in arguments and will do stupid things to get attention. She can never make friends because she always ends up "dateing" them. Extra: She has a thick country accent and often says hun,sug, darlen. Once she grows bored of you, your no longer safe. She's submissive. Proud of her weight. Demon Ability: one kiss from her and you'll [i]never[/i] forget her. Voice stealing,this simply means that she can someone she's "served" and then killed she can take their voice box. How ever for that to happen they must have sexual contact and the victim must be dead [/hider]