[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/37/49/b8/3749b8ffd9472ae1ed066866c6a830b3.jpg [/img] [color=82ca9d][b]JACKAL VENTMAW[/b][/color] Location: Archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands. Interacting: [@Ira] [@LokiLeo789] [@malmshodes] [@Hillan] I watched melany leave my grip, The smoke was insufferable even if I could still breathe somewhat. The smell was awful and my senses were limited. I heard Melany speak to me. "I can survive without a scratch, however if I did that you two will be smouldering piles of dust." I paused as an idea came to my head. "Melany can you swim while holding onto to Marxo?" Thinking that I could ignite the ship while they are safe in the water.