It was either the comfortable couch, or the two joints she had smoked, but Jane had found herself drifting in and out of light sleep as the music still played throughout the empty bus. The only thing that had brought her to complete lucidity was the sensation of a body sitting next to her, and after a quick wave of shock, her body loosened once again and she smirked, rubbing her eyes. “Well,” she began lazily, her finger tapping a button on the small speaker remote to silence the music, “we’ll see what’s on the way, yeah?” Based on feeling alone, Jane knew her eyes were probably half way open and a deep shade of red. “I got a few more joints from Andy for later.” She sat up straight and stretching, groaning quietly as her eyes remained on Rob. He looked… different. Jane had grown accustomed to the brooding demeanor that he’d taken on, but now, he seemed relaxed. Happy, even. It would be a bit far-fetched to think that the anticipation of the night ahead was what brought him out of a seemingly permanent funk, but she decided not to question it. Instead, Jane inched towards him, but not I her usual manner. It was one in which showed her both physical and mental exhaustion caused by the current events. Once close enough, she nuzzled herself against him and sighed as an arm wrapped around his torso. "My shits ready to go," she explained quietly. "I'm ready when you are." Her words betrayed her actions; Jane remained curled up next to him without allowing him the room to get up. It was of her mind was forcing her to cling on to whatever peaceful moment she had with Rob before everything got inevitably fucked up again. Negative thinking? Yeah. But Jane was never one to be optimistic. If anything, she felt as if she was just heeding the warnings the universe was throwing at her, that her intuition was right: that what she had to offer Rob just wasn't what he needed. Jane squeezed him tightly, then sat up straight, nodding at him in approval for getting up off the couch. She grabbed a few last minute items - phone chargers, a water bottle, and an apple - before they both exited the bus out into the gloomy day Oslo had to offer them. [center]*****[/center] On the ride to the hotel, the driver ranted and raved about the restaurant that it had on the ground level, and they decided that they would just eat there for convenience instead of trying to find somewhere in the city to grab lunch. Jane rested her head on his shoulder, and both looked out the window as the towed zipped past them. It was a quiet ride, but she didn't mind. As long as silence wasn't caused by any unspoken tension or awkwardness, she was satisfied enough. Jane tried her best to not allow her mind to wander, mostly regarding the subject of Rob and what contributed to the mood he was in. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin the mood, whatever caused it, but she was still lost in confusion as to what the ‘rules’ were. Was she supposed to tell Rob about Andy? Honestly, part of her really wanted to. The love she had for Rob was changing her, and the fact that Jane wanted to be honest with him was a prime example. In the past, she had no problem keeping things in to avoid problems, but now, it didn’t seem right. After arriving, check in went as usual – a few corny jokes passed back and forth along with a compliment on their music from one of the girls behind the desk – and soon, they were on the 8th floor of the posh hotel Harold had booked for them. The anticipation was killing Jane, making the elevator ride feel like it stretched on for minutes. The room itself was small, but cozy: one room with a king-sized bed wrapped in a large, tan comforter, a living room area, a balcony, and a kitchenette. It mirrored a lot of the hotel rooms the band had stayed in previously once revenue started rolling in. Jane didn’t take much time to soak in the view, though, and instead, she tossed her bag onto the ground and turned to Rob, flashing a faint smirk before jumping up into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist. Jane’s usual rough and urgent nature in regards to her sexuality was replaced in that moment with a mood much more gentle and… [i]romantic[/i]? Whatever it was, it was a nice break from the normal routine. She kissed his lips slowly before trailing down to jaw, ears, and neck, but when her eyes briefly opened for a moment, they noticed something on his neck that hadn’t been there the day before. A mark. A mark not made by her. An adrenaline rush washed through her, and in pure panic, she hopped down from Rob’s grip and began to pace in front of him nervously, a hand weaved through her hair at the top of her head. “I slept with Andy,” she blurted out as she walked back and forth. “And I don’t know if I’m not supposed to tell you, or if I [i]am[/i] supposed to tell you. Or what’s okay and what’s not.” Her hand began to scratch at her scalp as she paused in front of Rob and stared at the marble floor beneath them. “I enjoyed it, the sex. I mean, I always enjoy sex. But it wasn’t the same, I…” her voice trailed off as her mind begged her to just shut up already. “Sorry.” She walked over to the island that sat in the center of the kitchen and leaned on it. “We just kinda decided on something and didn’t really discuss it that much.” Jane sighed, both relieved and anxious at once. This wasn’t how she imagined her time with him to go, but it would have happened eventually. Jane would eventually explode with all of the questions she had. “I’m fine keeping shit the way it is if you’re happy. Really. I just wanna know what I’m supposed to do.” She finally worked up the courage to look at him, and as always, it was hard for her to read his emotions, so she decided to take a deep breath and remain quiet. Jane didn’t want to tell him how unappealing everyone else seemed now. How the reason she was all over him any chance she got wasn’t to satisfy her own appetite, but a fucked up way of showing how she felt. That the fact that he probably slept with Zoe made her feel unrightfully jealous. “I’m sorry,” she began in a near whisper, “I started off the night this way. I didn’t plan to talk at all for the first few hours we were here.” She chuckled lightly as she ran a hand through her hair as far as she could before her fingers were greeted by knots. Hopefully, the night wouldn’t be altered by Jane’s outburst, but with a situation this complicated, it was hard to tell. She could only hope that Rob would be receptive, and that he would be fine with what she had done along with explaining what he expected from her.