[@NarcissisticPotato] It's more than alright to make someone with no powers!! And yeah, we've got plenty of room. :) [@Dethran] I really like him! Accepted! [@Archmage MC] That's going to be tricky, more in lines of how powerful is this right now because Toonforce can render an individual invulnerable and immortal if you let it. Also, might be tricky to implement into the RP, but, hey, I'm gonna allow Squirrel Girl if someone decides they're heavily influenced by her. I'm gonna say: let me see what you've got and we'll go from there. You might have to tone some things down, if you're okay with that. [@Angel Eyes] Alright, so, this character is pretty damn good and really well thought out. She's an Inhuman, so the power levels are pretty accurate. However, precognition is a very tricky power to attempt when not writing by yourself. We're going to have to work very closely if you're bent on keeping it. That being said, would it be okay to assume that you'd only allow her visions of these events when they happen to her? Any extreme events I'd want to give her a vision on maybe I'd PM you about. Regardless, maybe make sure these visions are vague and don't give away much info - we want to keep people still guessing when it comes to plot points and there's already someone who has a very good idea for an arc towards the tail end of the RP. Would you be okay with reducing the visions from one year to a few months? The RP would technically only last an entire year, so it may be detrimental for her to be able to see an entire year into the future. Of course, she is an Inhuman, but I'd still love for there to be some kind of potential to her powers that leave her in tune with the rest of the team. Atm, she's a few levels ahead of the pack - she can be, being Inhuman, but it would be nice if she were pulled back just a tad bit. As for the clairvoyance, I'm not sure I'd fancy allowing that. Would I be able to trust you not actively using it to undermine any secret nefarious ploys or allowing me to direct when she'd be able to use it? I'm sure there are plenty of villains out there who can shield themselves from psionic powers, though, so it'd be interesting to see her use against someone like Apocalypse or Magneto. Or even Loki and Amora, though Loki isn't much of anything but a nuisance, atm. Any highly gifted magic users may be able to block her powers out entirely. Regardless of that, it'd be a good idea not to use clairvoyance where it would give everyone a free pass or make things extremely easy for them. (Also, I'm keeping Attilan secret - it's hidden atm, so not even many Inhumans roaming earth know of it. Which is why the fiasco with Skye happened in the back end of season 2 of AoS. Anywayssss, that's not really important because that doesn't affect Baba too much.) Other than these things, Baba seems fairly great! Nothing inherently wrong, just the fact that you may need to regulate her powers in the IC quite a bit and work heavily with us in terms of leaking small tidbits of the plot into her visions when they're important and needed. These things can't happen all the time, but I'm more than sure you know that. (Also this "✧ Every year, she writes a letter, puts it in a bottle, and sends it out to sea." is beyond cute. Omg. The Academy is right on the Ocean, so she's more than able to do this at the beginning of the school year if she wants. ;D )