If I'm understanding it right, then it's a little confusing because Vol was after Declan, and had no idea Zik was going to crash his party -- even though that hated [i]ZIK[/i] always does! But seriously, I'll roll with whatever punches come my way, we don't want to lose flow. I did have the amusing thought that it might even have been a message from a completely different 'boss' talking about a completely different Salarian -- such as the one Vol was watching on his monitor hacking into an Eclipse terminal. I had this hilarious vision of a Vorcha hit squad being deployed, only to be intercepted by Vol's Turian underling and persuaded to go on the Declan job instead, whereupon they forgot all about the first one, because they're dumb space goblins. Somewhere, an Eclipse bigwig is banging on an engineering table shouting "[i]VOOOOLLLL!![/i]" while this one Salarian Hacker can't believe how easy today's job was.